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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. I'm probably not the one to ask as I sold Alpha Pack not too crazy long after getting it. I thought it was a pretty poor attempt.
  2. Has anyone here tried doing decals themselves on cases? Once I get things a bit more settled and organized I'd like to try doing brands.
  3. Thanks man and yea I definitely see nods to MP-10 in terms of the lower body and it's pretty cool. In fact there are the only two I can think of that use that type of fender on the legs.
  4. TY. I was kind of eh on the glass top at first until I got it up where I want it and the way that it lights up through the ceiling is just rad.
  5. Got tired of one of if not y absolute favorite piece in the Ultimetal OP being displayed in the open so had a custom display case done. I honestly really like it.
  6. 10 bucks for a two back of basic stands is actually a fantastic deal. I wish it was available stateside.
  7. Holy crap at that gap... that's one of those things that I'm surprised left the designer's hard drive let alone made it through the paces of approval. ---------------
  8. I think another poster had said they pulled out with the missiles so it was just an all-encompassing statement. Regardless there seems to be differences between this one here and the aforementioned issues. Did anyone else have the gaps? Cone absolutely not pressing in?
  9. I meant VF-1S. I'm all over the place atm. Referencing the lack of problems on mine with the gaps and hardpoints.
  10. Holy moly. I just took the missiles off of my 1J quick to see and thankfully no. --------------------------------------------- With that though... between this and not having the gaps thing were there marked changes on batches of the VF-1S? I know mine didn't come from the initial ones shipped out and I'm wondering now if there were changes made?
  11. Gave the 1S a shake test? Seemed to hold up ok? I guess the positive to this is that I never really get to test my phone's picture and video and man it isn't too bad at least on close up stuff.
  12. For the sake of fairness I said maybe it's worse in Valk mode... nope.
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