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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. You know it! Do it right or not at all. LoL thanks man. ----------------------------------------- @anubis20 - GORGEOUS. ----------------------------------------
  2. LoL, what? The Astray Amatsu Mina literally uses the same base body as the other Astrays. However be glad you don't have interest in it as it' currently the most sought after and value appreciated of the Metal Build Seed products. ---------------------------------------------
  3. Not the biggest fan of the Re: Edit stands but the versatility speaks for itself.
  4. Pics from gallery: https://kumastyledesigns.com/generation-red-bull-review/
  5. The full article and gallery for Generation Toys' GT-11 Red Bull is up on Kuma Style: https://kumastyledesigns.com/generation-red-bull-review/ Article breaks it down but overall I gave it an 8.0/10. Not without flaws but definitely a solid and fun piece that I highly recommend. A big step up from Gorilla. Here are some pics from the gallery portion:
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