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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. You absolutely should sell it. I don't agree on the structural whatever you said but in the end it's a fantastic figure that's relatively hard to find now so if you don't dig it and it doesn't have a place in your home let it go to a better fit. ----------------- Cycling back: Glad to have this copy og Shadow Scythe in. It's my 3rd one but it came with an authentic SG Rodimus so now I can display it with both the WildRider and SG Roddy Side-by-side. Too bad the other one is packed up atm. Can't wait for this move to be done.
  2. Nothing wrong with that. Nice to give the wallet a breather I'm sure. REALLY looking forward to your thoughts on Zeta Unicron though.
  3. Everyone has their opinions/preferences and there's no right or wrong to them; regardless at least now you know the mecha you were referring to. Did you completely stop?
  4. Nice write up @mikeszekely. Your ears must've been ringing because I was just thinking about you when I posted in this thread earlier wondering what you'd gotten in lately.
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