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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. In regards to Howling Meteor, I don't think there have beeb any true, hi-res pictures taken by anyone. It's not to down anyone's effort, but there's a real difference between call camera pics and actual, focused photography. Hopefully Meteor and its face in particular can get some better exposure once in more suitable hands.
  2. Metal Saga Turris finally gets here tomorrow
  3. Not that I know of. I dig the xerxes claws but I wish he had the swords for a more complete look. I'll actually message perfect effect about it later. @mikeszekely I don't see it as unfortunate as the majority of the fanbase doesn't wasn't, let alone expect third party company to do e very character of a given series. I don't know how familiar you are with UT but the cast got significantly larger compared to G1 with a ton more throwaway characters.
  4. I was in college, so had to be between somewhere between 20-24 or so. I worked during college on top of having scholarships, G.I., etc so I had some extra money to burn and honestly Transformers back then were just plain CHEAP compared to what they are now. So being into the series and then seeing Optimus, Megatron/Galvatron etc. etc. in store and just how big they were got me going and all of a sudden my Room in the Apt. had random Transformers stuff about. And honestly, I don't see MT going farther than mainstays like Prime, Megatron, Starscream (and redecos,) hot spot, etc. etc.. Not trying to be funny here, but it's the same thing that's been happening with G1 and third party and that's why people are just now able to say they have a complete G1 MP cast spread between 15 different companies. In general though, the design style of Galaxy force fits in much better with MT's general Manga/Super Robot styling than G1 so I think they'll actually be more of a hit with UT fans than their Re; Master G1 stuff has been with G1 fans due to the lack of liberties that will be taken on the designs in comparison. It doesn't matter though, because I'm in it for whatever they produce in homage and have no expectations.
  5. No need to apologize to me. I'm all about discussing but don't really have a care/vestment for what other people like or collect. Everyone has opinions and preferences and not a single one is wrong or better than another .
  6. For me, Cybertron is my "G1" in terms of actual connection and being invested, and I have a ton of all of the old figures (including every variant of Galaxy Convoy that isn't Lucky Draw.) So for me, all things Galaxy Force are a must have.
  7. Got the Full Review up for NeoArt Toys Beast Muscle Leonidas Eva Color Matching: http://kumastyledesigns.com/neoart-eva-leonidas-review/ Overall, this one really puts me at a weird ground. As stated in the review, I'm all about creators and designers getting their just recognition/compensation (in fact, I bought all three versions of the official,) but this is not only leaps and bounds better in terms of q.c. but offers a color variant that just plain isn't available through the original company. If Perfect Effect themselves released this with this sort of quality I feel like it'd be a contender for 3P release of the year without all of the KO controversy. Regardless, this piece is fantastic and I definitely recommend it as a collectible but understand drawbacks that some may have with purchasing it. Here are some pics from the galla portion:
  8. Don't use the Wave 0 Stealth stuff as an indicator for quality on the bots and figures in Wave 1. It was literally a test run and unfortunately the figures in particular are plagued with appendages falling off, etc. where the regular release figures are superb.
  9. The 1:18th stuff will still keep going as normal and they're even introducing 1/12th figures. They're just spreading the scales to hit different fan bases.
  10. Well aware of the site's "search" feature as it's a pretty common piece on forums general. The question arose because not every board handles the Super Robot genre recently. Take for instance TFW2005 to where up until... this year? The Bandai Soul of Chogokin thread was treated as an all-encompassing Super Robot/diecast thread regardless of company where on the flip side RobotJapan has a separate thread for about every toy regardless of Company or toyline. -------------------------------- The Metal Build Mazinger feels insanely overpriced, but at the same time it's a property that Bandai knows they can do it with.
  11. Yes! But one for not just Bandai products like Sentinel, Fewture, etc.
  12. Is there an actual, Super Robots thread here?
  13. Review hopefully by early next week. I think the next thing they have coming is that larger scaled Metal Build Destiny Hybrid.
  14. Well, if they send poop, they'll just get a poop review.
  15. FanMade actually sent a Turris Babel for review. Should be here this week or next.
  16. This is the Mo Show MB ELS Quan T and honestly it's so damned good that I want to know the story behind it. The quality is literally better than my official MBs.
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