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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Got the full written review up for PerfectEffect Gorira Jr. 2-Pack up!: http://kumastyledesigns.com/perfecteffect-gorira-jr-review/ Here are some pics from the gallery:
  2. It's pretty damned good. Unfortunately these weapons expose some floppiness in his bicep swivels as they aren't weighty at all and makles the arms just spin trying to hold them. Very unfortunate.
  3. Sorry for veering off Megatrons. But I got a bunch of stuff this past week so I'm going to be posting a lot of pics and reviews.
  4. TBH, MP-36 Megs is by far my favorite rendition of MP-scaled Megatron. The robot mode is just glorious but I think it's the worst of all of the alt. modes due to the panel line breaks throughout it.
  5. ITT we act like the are Astrea isn't a blatant Exia retool plus emoticons. Anyways, I'm excited for it. very much so. Jusy gotta figure out where to display it. It's too nice to display south Mgs but really doesn't fit the color scheme of MB 00 stuff.
  6. Got the full review and gallery for MMC's Kultur Asterisk up: http://kumastyledesigns.com/mmc-kultur-asterisk-review/ Article obviously goes into detail but overall I really dig it. It's my first experience with the Kultur mold in general so it was cool to check it out and see how the reformatted line has progressed, particularly in the transformation aspect; night and day (in a positive way) from what I remember! Here are a few pics from the gallery portion:
  7. Didn't need the help as, like you'd stated it automatically did it when I pasted the link... it even states on the message box that it automatically embedded link, lol. Regardless, I'd hope that three or four embeds later I'd have picked up by now, haha. ------------------------------------- Anyways, I got a message from X2Toys stating that they wanted to send their upcoming Jetfire headmaster piece for me to check out. I think the interchangeable mini figures are going to be a hit ala Fansproject's Core bots, but we'll see. Hoping the quality is up to snuff.
  8. Got the full review for Iron Factory's War Giant Attackers (Set A) up. http://kumastyledesigns.com/iron-factory-attackers-a-review/ Article itself goes into detail but overall, I think that this is a solid set. The first q.c. issue free release I remember from them in a bit. No overly tight joints or anything. Well done pieces. Just wish the weapons had better tabbing in their alt. modes. Here are some pics from the gallery portion:
  9. Actually, companies do send me this stuff for photography and promotion; haha. I'm primarily a Super Robot collector, TBH. And thank you; I very much so appreciate the compliment.
  10. The full review for MakeToys MTRM-11 is up: http://kumastyledesigns.com/maketoys-meteor-review/ The article goes into detail but overall I digit. The cartoon-esque styling and articulation really won me over. Here are some pics from the galla portion.
  11. Thanks man. Much appreciated. Congrats on that big-ol box of awesomeness, Pineapple! --------------------- Alright, so got the written review and gallery up for MakeToys MTRM-10 Galaxy Meteor up (video portion still uploading: ) http://kumastyledesigns.com/maketoys-galaxy-meteor-review/ The article goes into depth on what I really liked and things I would have liked to see different but overall it's a well-made and FUN piece that I'd recommend. Here are a few shots from the gallery portion. Much more on site:
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