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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Yea, something happened with the designer of that ver. KA Megaman (it was originally official concept art) and Capcom to where TruForce lost rights to the designs and style and if they did anything further, they'd have to release them with a totally different styling so they went radio silent ever since. It was a spectacularly done piece (I have all four vairants,) and they got who I feel is the best Gokin mecha producer out there in Sentinel to produce it. The pieces were just plain full of win.
  2. I looked over the thread and it looked like SOC only so that's why I threw it in here since it at least had other Megaman products. Is the SOC thread a Chogokin general? If so, I'll toss them over. No offense taken as that was my first choice.
  3. Oh wow. Honestly, for me HasTak is still the king of MPs to the point where I only look at 3P as "Filler" regardless of if I buy them or not. The options in general are a great thing though and it really keeps things competitive.
  4. Unfortunately (for the wallet,) I'm getting both since they're in different scales and sooooo different design-wise. I'm looking forward to the FansHobby **more** but excited for both.
  5. I'm not going to lie... the motored piledrivers are SO unnecessary, but they made it a must-buy for me, LMAO. But now, I have to track back and get Jaguar and whatnot so yet another hole to drown in.
  6. I'm pretty sure I used The Chosen Prime for that one.
  7. It's not even another delay. They anounced it as end of November some time back. They just said that they aren't sending out early review samples but instead when actual production is rolling out because of a tight schedule. Only people really affected are the ones who were hoping to see a review prior to them hitting stores. That's also pretty cool on the general plane interest. As someone who is just like "Doesn't look like crap; fine by me." when it comes to those types of figures, it's nice to see some insight into how they at least SHOULD look. ------------------ The next installment of "The Fan's Project" is up. This time looking back at the original explorer release: Few pics from the galla portion:
  8. I don't know if it's "lowered standards" or something but I completely agree and have somehow come to grips with it. Video for SkyCrusher:
  9. That Superion is going to be absolutely MASSIVE. Got the Full review for X2Toys XT-010 SkyCrusher up on site. http://kumastyledesigns.com/x2toys-skycrusher-review/ Definitely had to go a little longer in the article because this one nails so much but falls short in a few areas that are pretty crucial. Here are some pics from the gallery:
  10. - It's Sky Crusher from X2Toys. Had problems with the headmaster but for the most part have it fixed up now. It's pretty damned nice. More diecast than any other transforming piece I've ever played with, intricate but not "hard" transformation, and overall looks decent in both modes minus the actual face on the headmaster. Review will be up Sunday. - This is classics-scale vs. Phoenix being MP. I collect both so it's nice to have an appropriate one for each class. I'd love a Dark Skyfire repaint of this. Were never dead; just restructuring. The original City Commander kits were made with Ultra Magnus in mind (obviously) and cashed in on repaints where this one does the opposite with being made primarily to upgrade Prime into PMOP and then the retool/repaint cash-in for Magnus. These are much better than the original commander armors in terms of functionality, but City Commander has a very big nostalgia charm for me. The Prime one just kicks the crap out of the DIA repaint, though. Surprisingly, it looks much better than Striker Manus to me side-by-side as well. Upcoming next is Pinchar (Snarl) to finish up the Lost Exo Realm Dinobots. Check out their Facebook page to keep up-to-date with them since they're updating that pretty diligently now.
  11. Oh yea, man. I'm with you in that none of it really matters. Completely. Just fun for the conversation factor. Someone else said earlier that Third Party normally refers to licensed products from other parties while anything else would just be called unlicensed and not a party at all. Toy collecting is really the first time I've dealt with this verbage at all but that seems to make sense. --------------------- Got the full review up for the TFX-07 Parallax Blue Armor armor. http://kumastyledesigns.com/fansproject-tfx-07-review/ Tried to give my opinion on this one as clearly as possible in the article because it's a bit mixed. Here are some pics from the gallery portion:
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