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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. I keep going to purchase these but then I just can't. Hoping something pushes me over the edge before they're sold out! ... MakeToys' Thunder Manus is out for delivery today... label me hyped!
  2. B2Five Wave 2A Review up: http://kumastyledesigns.com/b2five-wave-2a-review/ I honestly like this wave and get in-depth in the review but I'm pretty "over" strongholds at this point and am more excited for the using the additional parts for the combination aspects than anything. Here are some pics from the galla portion:
  3. It's ok; TBH I'm more in it for the DX stuff than anything as it is. I'm just glad to hear that overall the line is fairly solid because it makes it worth checking more of them out.
  4. Was just answering your question in general which is yes, it is available at retailers although it's unfortunate that it's not available at the retailers of your choosing. I have 0 familiarity with Gobots but since I don't remember it at all from Machine Robo I'd go with Gobots if either. You've just given me an excuse to rewatch Revenge of Chronos, though. ------------------------------------------------------------ Tough Trailer looks damned good. Hoping the build quality is up-to-snuff. ------------------------------------------------------------ Asking across boards; for those of you who've invested into the smaller-scaled line, how are they quality wise? I opened Battle and Shuttle and both are a floppy mess. Trying to get a general consensus before investing into more of them.
  5. I hope its's the former. I'm really at a point to where I could stand to stop buying outside of non-G1 stuff. Collecting too many other lines at this point.
  6. Outside of Thunder Eberus there really isn't much dropping that I'm insanely hyped for this next quarter or so... I'm starting to wonder if I'm about at my peak with 3PTF stuff... would be nice!
  7. It's been out for a bit now at Robot Toy Base. Mine was sent to me from the company for review, but it's a production run sample just like the ones that were sent to retailers.
  8. The Review for Action Toys' MRDX-01 Bike Robo is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/dx-bike-robo-review/ The review is in-depth but overall I dig it. It's nice to see the Machine Robo line get the "Masterpiece" type of treatment for characters that aren't Baikanfu. http://kumastyledesigns.com/dx-bike-robo-review/
  9. Got the full review for Fansproject's LER-07 Pinchar up. http://kumastyledesigns.com/fansproject-pinchar-review/ Honestly this is the most overall solid release of the line for me even though it does have a couple of nitpicks in itself that I delve into. I think it's a better face sculpt away from benig the best in the line, TBH. Here are a few pics from the gallery:
  10. Third time is finally a charm for owning this grail that came in today.
  11. Oh yea, dude. I have the complete teams in both regular and diaclone colors so I'll be throwing up some group shots as well. Unfortunately Pinchar is the one where it seems like they "finally got it together" in terms of articulation, things clipping in place correctly, weapon holding, etc. etc.. Up until now the line has really been trading out frakk up for another in between releases and it's part of why the wait for this just to be done has been so exhausting for many. And in terms of faithfullness, I agree; it's part of why I'll probably never just fully give up classics-scaled TF stuff. This piece came in yesterday and I have to admit I'm really digging it thus far.
  12. I honestly really like this forum and getting more insight into not just the toys but the things that they're modeled after as well. It's honestly really cool to see.
  13. Honestly, it's my favorite iteration of prowl moreso than anything because it screams mecha vs. Just a Transformer and I feel lile the look of this toy does it even more than the comics. It should be in tomorrow so we'll see.
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