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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Thanks brother, and honestly this pose makes me so excited to take Mazinger for a review and gallery spin. A balanced running pose is one of those things I think complanies just plain take for granted as it's way more rare than it should be.
  2. Ummm... I don;'t know WHAT the hell I posted here...
  3. ... Is that you, P3Z? The full review for Sentinel's R-17 Riobot Shin Getter 1 is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/sentinel-shin-getter-review/ Definitely check out the link for the full details but maaaaaaaan is this piece impressive. Here are a few pics from the gallery portion:
  4. The full review for Sentinel's R-17 Riobot Shin Getter 1 is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/sentinel-shin-getter-review/ Definitely check out the link for the full details but maaaaaaaan is this piece impressive. Here are a few pics from the gallery portion:
  5. thanks friend! And yes, the full review and gallery of it will be up Tuesday!
  6. Just took a tape measure to it and looks like just under 8.25"
  7. Finally a chance to open and get a few quick snaps;
  8. Beautiful. Got it in today but still getting to the unboxing portion! Did get a chance to shoot a few of MB Mazinger though;
  9. Thank you for this @ArchieNov. mine comes tomorrow and at least I feel ok if that does happen.
  10. Well, technically Dai Atlas is a Transformers character and the alt. mode is pretty slavish to the original's jet (it has three modes,) so it is like something out of TF lore being part of TF lore itself. I honestly just wish it could do the tank mode as well, and I think it'd be my "fig of the month" easily. I understand that there isn't as much general familiarity with non-G1 series, but they're still considered part of the Transformers universe... With that though, you're dead on; All things Victory, Masterforce, and Zone are my jam. Love the animation and in Victory/Zone in particular the more mecha-oriented designs are just tops. I get that they (like everything) aren't for everyone, but honestly these are the things that really keep me collecting TFs so I'm really glad they exist.
  11. The video and article get in depth but I'll definitely say that this one's worth a pickup whether it's your first or latest Iron Factory figure. Outside of the sword fitting tightly and rubbing the paint on the handle, I don't have a single damned complaint even being as nitpicky as possible. It's good looking, insanely articulated, and FUN. Here are some pics from the gallery:
  12. Honestly, the "Bomber" Megatron is a favorite of mine (particularly because of the colors... Black with "tron" paneling is just something that seems to always look good no matter what it's on) as well but I do have a strong preference towards his Tank iterations as well (My favorite was actually the "Galvatron" coloring of Armada Megatron.) Overall, I think I'll take any version of Megatron that isn't a gun.
  13. In terms of the amount of variants, I'm not sure. This is the one I'm most familiar with as I started around the "dark cybertron" series and remember him getting this upgrade around them. And yea, Cybertronian alts are a bit give-and-take. I think that this is one of the nicer ones, for sure. The current Optimus (shown in that pic with rebel) has a really clean alt. mode as well for being Cybertronian, but honestly it's just a step outside of being a sleek earth mode, if that. And yea, I've been very impressed with how well-versed the conversation is here on non-macross items. It's awesome, and I really, and truly appreciate you (and others) being welcoming. It's also nice to be able to have fairly direct conversations without 50 "any updates" spam posts in between. It's a very nice vibe. In case you didn't get a chance to check out the gallery, here's Pinchar with the tail in the other configuration. I was just home on break from work and didn't have time to search through my site for it.
  14. Whether or not someone likes what IDW is doing with the designs is subjective; you either do or you don't. However as a product this is an AWESOME aesthetic license and a damned dun and poseable toy to play with. I understand the general theory on Cybertronian alt. modes but Prowl's in particular is very blatantly a vehicle and doesn't show any robot "kibble" at all. If it were just a standalone "space car" the aesthetic of it is strong enough to be sold as such. I think a lot of my gravitation towards Cybertronian stuff is that it's more "mecha" looking than necessarily Transformers and I'm a mecha collector first and foremost. Natural bias for sure. I'm give or take on IDW stuff but Prowl's design is one that I absolutely love compared to honestly not giving a flying deuce about the G1 iteration. I definitely understand that it's not for everyone. I honestly agree with everything you said and can see your perspective very well, @M'Kyuun! I really appreciate the way that most of you guys here relay thoughts. It's extremely well-written and refreshing. On my review of Pinchar I have pics of different configuations of the backpack/tail and yes he can certainly do the G1-styled look.
  15. Yea man! Trying to knock it out ASAP! And I don't know if it's specifically FOR Thunder Eberus but they're doing a GodBomber on its own which also turns into the armor parts and they showed it combined with Eberus so it'll definitely have an armor option. --------------------------------------------------------- The Review for GCreation's GDW-02 Rebel is up: http://kumastyledesigns.com/gcreation-rebel-review/ Honestly, the review goes into detail but I absolutely love the robot mode. The transformation and alt. aren't as hot for me, but once you get it there, the alt. is fun too. Here are a few pics from the gallery:
  16. Thanks for helping there, Scyla and yea it's the Fansproject Pinchar. Honestly, it's a decently looking line but it feels like it took until this last release for them to finally get things right with all of the q.c. niggles that the line had to that point. It's really unfortunate. Striker Manus came in yesterday and I really can't want to open it.
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