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Kuma Style

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Everything posted by Kuma Style

  1. Awesome pics of Gypsy, @ZorClone. Man, I saw it in person at C2E2 and I don't know... it looks way better in pictures (including yours) than it did in person for me. Current Dancouga situation. The Gigabrain comes in the mail today and I literally have no idea of where to put it.
  2. Did you end up getting Drift yet? If so, thoughts?
  3. Ordered Generation Toy T-Beasts Primal yesterday and should be here Monday... it's REALLY nice to see these getting a real run from good companies.
  4. Just got a chance to open up Sunstreaker.. it's beautiful.
  5. The written review for Thunder Manus is up! http://kumastyledesigns.com/maketoys-thunder-manus-review/ I break it down in the review but overall it's a good piece that really could have been great with some minor changes and q.c. fixes. Here are some pics from the gallery section (over 30 pics; )
  6. So back when I was a "rookie" collector and even more of a rookie dog owner, my just-bought puppy ate the Pero (cat) that came with Figma Dorothy Wayneright and I snapped the neck not too long after on my Figma Roger Smith (both Big O characters.) Luckily I got a lot from someone the other day who literally threw them in for free! Awesome pieces and I've been missing them since the days they got effed up. Max Gokin Big O in the BG;
  7. Yea... kind of a fan... to the extent that looking at the design gives me goodebumps every other time. There's so much I want to add to my God Bless collection as well! Mazinger Z is literally the forefather of the Super Robot genre. He's to Super Robots what Optimus Prime is to Transformers.... hell, I'd argue that he's even more iconic in a global sense. The series honestly laid the groundwork for a lot of what Super Robot series are at heart and there's always going to be a place for Mazinger merchandise/swag. And this is coming from someone who really ISN'T much of a Mazinger fan.
  8. Preordered two Sarenas but the fact that the Booster kit is separate just pisses me off. The pricing has just become gouge-worthy.
  9. Yea... I'm glad they think enough of me to send these over my way but once I was told that the retail was $100 I took a double take and even looked it up on a retailer to confirm. I admittedly haven't done anything besides sticker it up and take a pic but realistically I'm not quite seeing $100 in it yet. Maybe some of the engineering, gimmicks, or accessories will shed some more light once I get to actually messing with it. Reviews on this and Thunder Manus this weekend.
  10. Yea it's three metal composite. there are two versions of it and I think a repaint of one. It's a solid piece and fits in well with 1/100 stuff.
  11. I want this soooo bad but I feel like it's something I'd take pictures of and then Got another Sentinel Dancouga and Black Wing in today. Totalling 4 of the regular dancougas, 3 regular Black Wings and 2 of the real Dancougas and 1 of the Real Black Wings
  12. The full review for Metal Build Mazinger Z is up: http://kumastyledesigns.com/metal-build-mazinger-z-review/ The review is pretty long but overall, this is one of those ones that REALLY grew on me during the review process. Honestly, it's by far the best Metal Build I've handled and it's really just one of the overall most well built and designed pieces I've gotten in a while. They knocked it out with this one head-to-toe. A few pics from the gallery:
  13. These are beautiful and a must have for me to accompany the Sentinel offerings. I wonder since like Mazinkaiser they're just downscaled Sentinel offerings in kit form, they'll retain the hip gimmick to where they can slide down and move under the skirt? That'd be fantastic.
  14. Beautiful. You make me want to take the OG out and shoot it! I have the EX Gokin Black Ryoma and I think the Black shin actually pulls off the scheme waaaaaay better. eff you for selling me on this!
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