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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. DX bases are hollow plastic, they rely on the size/width of the base being underneath the center of mass to keep things from tipping. I'd be very careful about mounting something too high up, or too much off-center with one.
  2. Looks like one of the 3rd party metal build figures from Gundamit/ShowZStore.
  3. Personally, I'd much rather see "robotech" merch in the Toys subforum than the daily multiple completely unrelated to macross in any way posts in the recent purchases thread on the toys subforum. Especially with actual decent quality Robotech stuff starting to be produced these days, rather than just toynami figures. As far as non-merch robotech stuff...that can definitely stay in the "Anime or Science Fiction" section.
  4. It would definitely have gone back to Kawamori for a second pass, or had the proportions changed a bit so that the CAD models/transformations would mostly work. I can see him adding in leg shortening mechanisms, maybe shrinking the calves or tweaking the torso a bit.
  5. Well, glad I've got a couple of Yamatos, but I'll be grabbing a bandai for battroid. Not sure which Gerald I prefer yet.
  6. Nope, but being able to replace or print modified versions of parts is quite nice.
  7. Not bad at all, my preorder ended up around $205 before international shipping, so probably about even (depending on local tax).
  8. Just wondering if any of the Who fans here are aware of, or what you guys think of the Dr. Who Magic: The Gathering release that just happened on Friday? I've heard the theming and such were pretty on-point, but I'm more into it from the card side than the Who side.
  9. They cannot, they specifically fit over the joint between the wing, wingtip, and v-stab.
  10. Ended up with an extra XL Cerritos (two different people putting in a group order at the same time, derp). Gotta say it looks pretty good.
  11. Honestly, I just muted certain repeat offenders, makes this topic much more pleasant to look through.
  12. The wings are from the 31A Kairos (base model), which predates the 31 Siegfried.
  13. The Warning are great, looking forward to more from them.
  14. The model is absolutely not perfect transformation, it's a parts-former. Which frankly is a godsend, given how much anime magic the YF-21 uses as fuel.
  15. Kairos will always be the best. Paintjob and profile. Only issue is it still has the drone charger pod, despite having no drones...
  16. I've actually got 3 spares with intact head laser I've been meaning to let go. Only opened the box to check for laser breaks. Not sure what to ask for them these days what with jpy exchange rate and current international shipping prices.
  17. If you do this, try to let it come back up to room temperature before separating. Cold temperatures will also make the plastic more brittle.
  18. I can comment on the Bandai 1/72 transforming kits. Skip the VF-1, it is a 100% awful kit, just do not. VF-25 and VF-27 are not bad, just be careful with the decals and transformation. Matte topcoat is a must. VF-31 is a good kit, but again careful with the decals. SV-262 is a real winner, honestly better than the DX Chogokin in a few ways, primarily transformation.
  19. Personally I see the size as a negative, I don't have the space for one. I'd gladly grab one if they were 1/12, and cost like $100.
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