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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Saw Yoasobi in San Fransisco, they killed it. Great show, hope they come back!
  2. Cool, but going to be stupidly expensive and fixed pose. Always sad to see something I wanted as a figure coming instead as a stature.
  3. Looks like a dark chrome (metallic coating, rather than high-gloss black), matte chrome, and smoke clear to my eye. Also some bare metal. Definitely looks better in Battroid, but not biting here either. If it was all the dark chrome I'd go for it.
  4. The Macross purchases thread is in the Macross toys subforum. The non-Macross purchases thread is in the "Anime or Science Fiction" subforum, where all the non-macross stuff goes. The old thread is closed and archived. Seems pretty straightforwards to me. The links are just a shortcut to the relevant sections of the forum.
  5. https://hasbro.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/hasbro-reports-fourth-quarter-and-full-year-2022-financial I suppose more accurate to say the most profitable and only part of the company that's growing is Wizards. More profitable than the "consumer products" division overall, despite only having a third of the net revenue.
  6. Literally the only profitable part of the company is Wizards of the Coast, which makes D&D and Magic:The Gathering. The Toy and Board Games divisions are just anchors right now.
  7. Is it just me, or does this look super weird with the combination of clear, metallic plastic, and metal coating parts?
  8. It depends how "at capacity" their lines are. It could mean just producing less of other things, or could mean adding a 3rd shift, or it could mean shifting some things to different manufacturing lines entirely (like outsourcing the moulding and assembly, which I highly suspect they already do for DX figures given the inconsistency). In the long run, if the business is sustainable, I suspect they will just buy/build new lines to manage the additional production, but we all know Japanese companies are immensely risk averse and I doubt they'd invest the money to do so up front.
  9. Woo! Thanks for separating out Macross from non-macross! Other shinies are nice and all, but entire pages of non-macross stuff was a bit much.
  10. Overall I agree, except for the fact that increasing production tends to *lower* costs, not raise them. I suspect it's partially that they just decided for MSRP ¥100=$1 (as it was close for quite a while), and partially they're using the extra profit to fund the US distribution specifically. Salaries, US events, advertising, etc.
  11. Max Q-Rau is up on HLJ: https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-quadran-law-max-movie-version-hsg65886 But not the YF-19 yet.
  12. I'm good, got mine off Mandarake.
  13. Recent sales look to be mostly 60,000-63,000 range. Though someone paid 69,000, and another paid 52,500.
  14. The use of metal only in the places where it's needed for durability/function is something I can get behind. Making a bunch of parts metal just because only adds more stress and weight on the joints. I'd rather have metal pins and joints holding light flexible plastic that won't make the joints end up drooping in a few years. Metal feet are nice too, as they help stabilize the battroid form, and don't generally need to be painted over. Most of the plastic panels we wouldn't want them to be steel due to weight, and absolutely not aluminum as they'd dent and break on top of costing 3x as much, if not more.
  15. Perfect Transformation in my knowledge means the transformation is perfect, it does not require parts forming. So yeah, I agree with you.
  16. Saw them live, was a good time.
  17. I'll wait until HLJ or somewhere else has them, so I at least won't be spending $20 just to ship 3 diecast hotwheels sized valks.
  18. I'd love it if they would do a special presale for people who actually go to see the shows they buy tickets for, rather than transferring them. Seems like it would be really easy to track...
  19. Not saying it's wrong, but when I can (still) get EMS in the sub-$40 range from Japan, I really have to wonder why their shipping is more than 2x as expensive, from a similarly distant region. I don't suppose there's anyone in the south-bay who wants to combine orders to cut the shipping costs down a bit?
  20. I was going to grab it, even at $70ea for 2. Then I saw the shipping was just under $60. For 4month boat shipping. Or $100 for airmail. Nope, nevermind. We good.
  21. Tried to get tickets to see Yoasobi late last week. Spent an hour during the presale and another 2 during the normal sale. No dice. Now the tickets that were $50-$100 are $500+, so I guess I'm not going to go see them. Man, I despise scalpers.
  22. It looks a bit like what they put at the wrist on gundam figures, so check the arms? hole in the center would be where the balljoint goes through.
  23. I have contacted them, but doubt I'll get anything aside from maybe an "oops" coupon. Mainly I'd like them to just do better next time, I've ordered thousands of $ of stuff from them over the years and this is the first time I've seen damage like this. Usually their packaging is quite good.
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