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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. About the only thing I can think of to make them better (stronger) would be to do low-volume silicone/sand mold or lost-wax casting. Would still end up costing more compared to 3D printing though.
  2. Looks like my proxy got my add-on sets in, forgot I'd ordered 2. Should be here later in the week, if they ship out soon.
  3. Well, estimate for delivery is Oct19-27th, so probably slow shipping. Says release is on the 25th.
  4. Yeah, the one that ships to the US, no idea how it's shipping but shall find out soon.
  5. Well, that convinced me to get the pack on Amazon Japan... The box looks damn nice with the windows and fold-open!
  6. Man, kinda wish I'd managed to get a set, and not just the TWE armor.
  7. Glad that did the trick for you.
  8. Btw, found out Good Smile is also making a plushie, already out of stock on HLJ, but Amazon Japan still has it. https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/product/B097PHWMTH/
  9. Nai wa~~~ (So bummed I missed the kumoko pre-orders)
  10. Could always try the superglue trick, or kiki's "fix loose joints".
  11. Going back to WW2 command variants for armored vehicles were not uncommon, but usually they just had additional communications equipment I believe.
  12. Ok, the carrot gunpod amuses me far more than it ought to.
  13. Managed to snag the one thing I really wanted: The plated MG Epyon
  14. ...Yeah I'll buy one... ...Even if it's Ranka rather than Sheryl
  15. No, they will fit on any V2 VF-25 or more recent DX, but they will be the wrong scale.
  16. They do not use the standard connection method of the later DX figures (peg and 2 tabs).
  17. Just do Mirage, she's best girl (in that series) anyway. 😁
  18. I like FromJapan's (which Amazon Japan also uses sometimes ) Items shrink-wrapped to a cardboard sheet, which is adhered to the bottom of the box. That's it. I have never seen anything damaged when packaged this way.
  19. Ah, well guess I'm going to be putting off the pain for a while then. 😆
  20. Nothing weird about a culture having tendencies in various areas.
  21. Pretty much every Japanese company is risk averse.
  22. Dang, that some nice detailing both on the CAD and the print.
  23. I'm trying to remember if I paid ahead of time for the YF-19 PF, or just ordered off their website to Tenso.
  24. Yes, they are responsible, but it seemed more like a "we tried a subcontractor, which didn't work" than them deciding that bubblewrap and a sack was sufficient on their own. I'm going to wait and see how they handle future releases before they go on the naughty list alongside NY.
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