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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. You could use 2 maybe, fore and aft?
  2. Somehow, I feel the need to stick one of those inside a SDF-1 model kit...
  3. 90% sure those are CG renders, going by my experience making renders as part of my job. The lighting and texture gives it away.
  4. At least by this point there ought to be something apart from CG renders.
  5. Now I'm wondering exactly where all those missiles are supposed to be coming from? Not the weapons pod, not the legs, and not the super pack.
  6. I actually prefer Luca's solid green valk to the VF-31 with yellow pinstriping, as far as paintjobs go.
  7. Dear god, I was not expecting those ebay prices at all. Glad I got myself one already during pre-orders. Ought to be far easier to paint than the other VF-31s as well.
  8. I'm fine with the colors, even if I don't like the head. Thus why my VF-1S Messer just showed up in the mail. The only color scheme I really dislike from Delta is Chuck's yellow-tan color. Which is unfortunate, as I'm a fan of Valkyries with radar dishes.
  9. What can I say? It just bugs me.
  10. I do, it looks insectoid. Much prefer the 31C or 31S.
  11. What CAD package are you using?
  12. Probably the 1/72, since it just went up for pre-orders alongside the 1/72 Anniversary VF-31 which is also shown.
  13. I think they usually use the shrink-wrap for shipments of >1 item.
  14. I'll be honest, the closest I've come to transforming my 262 is unhinging the legs to the sides to get the missile packs on. I did transform the 1/72 model kit though.
  15. Indeed, your photos are doing their job. At least it only ended up being ~$31 shipped.
  16. Indeed. If I could get one for that, and didn't already have the normal Arcadia Roy, I'd bite.
  17. As usual, you guys are bad for my wallet. Just put in an order for the Banpresto and Walkure outfit Mirage figures, from Jungle.
  18. It looks like @sh9000 's bikini figure is eyeing the battroid's crotch...
  19. At least it's the only DX Chogokin they've done this on (that I'm aware of, all the rest have hardpoints as standard). I'm not sure why they ported the HMR replaceable wings over just for the VF-171s.
  20. Thanks for the info, guess I ought to lay off buying Valkyries for a while. Hmm, what to get first, a 3D printer, or a Mill?
  21. I feel a bit better about my Alto 171 now, Got it used from Mandarake, missing one of the wing post covers.
  22. Mines on the way via untracked SAL (it stocked the day after my giant Private Warehouse EMS package shipped...). Can't wait for it to get here so I can start modeling up those weapons pods.
  23. You have any access to a CAD program? I can test a few things out in Solidworks and see how they'll fit.
  24. That's a good idea, actually. I've got a drill press I can use to make one out of PVC for testing, and use one of the 90-degree adapters to stick it to the wall mount.
  25. Thanks ChaoticYeti, I'm thinking of using some of the 90degree adapters to get the ghosts flying in formation around Luca, but it's complex enough that I want to figure out the layout in CAD first.
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