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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Alright, modified and re-uploaded all the part files. Ordered myself a full set in FUD, except the doors which are in Hi-Def Acrylate for strength. Should get here first or second week of December, once I verify that everything works, I'll publish the CAD files and open the shapeways files for printing. Additional hardware required: 2x 0.02" (0.5mm) shafts of at least 3/4" (19mm) 4x 0.02" (0.5mm) shafts of at least 1/4" (6mm)
  2. Well, since the missile pod is almost done, I'll be starting on the cannon pod next. That's going to be a bit trickier.
  3. Fore those desperate for a replacement: I've been using Distill Web Monitor plugin, and just leaving a computer running with it set up to send me email alerts.
  4. Even NY is sold out, I think you're stuck waiting to see if HLJ or someone else stocks extra.
  5. I'll probably grab a second one if they make a Nexx version. Otherwise, I think I'm good with just 1.
  6. I noticed that, managed to chip a corner off one of my pieces, looks like I'll have to order a 0.02" drill bit instead of just jamming the rod in.
  7. I really hope not, my VF-2ss is coming in the same box, and I can't split them back up anymore.
  8. That's actually something that the creator can set I think, so Xigfrid could probably make them available in Extreme. Ultra gives a pretty good finish to begin with, but Extreme actually feels smooth to the touch, shouldn't even need sanding.
  9. If you order in the frosted detail, especially Extreme detail, it comes out very nice actually. Of course it costs 2-3x as much.
  10. I was not planning to do the speaker pod at all, I can shoot you the blank pod model if you're interested in a starting point (I've now confirmed it fits on the Valk properly). As far as the surface detail, I'm just thinking some 0.2mm embossed sections, like the band around the center section of the pod. It shows up even with polished strong+flexible. It's worth pointing out that the doors can only be printed in the frosted detail material (either Ultra or Extreme) due to the minimum feature size. Also the shell can be printed in strong+flexible, but you'll need to drill the hinge pivot holes, as they're only about 1mm deep without going to Frosted Detail. It's wise to also drill out the holes in the doors, as they appear to be filled with support material past ~5mm in from the edge. The door shown is Frosted Extreme Detail, the outer shell is Frosted Ultra. Here's a pic of Frosted Extreme vs Ultra for the doors. (next to a polished strong+flexible body I had made to check printability) My personal plan is to print everything in Frosted Ultra, except the missiles and missile trays, which I'll have done in polished strong+flexible
  11. But... I'm a perfectionist. Seriously though, there's about 5-10min of work on 5 different parts before it'll be ready. I'll probably knock it out Friday and order a full set for assembly. I especially want to make the missiles a bit smaller, so there's some clearance between them and the tray, so the paint doesn't get rubbed off when you push it through. Also there's a couple places where the bottom part of the housing is wrong, and the tray needs to have the side angle adjusted. Now that I think about it, it's also a good time to add some surface detail in a few places, like the tops of the missiles and the front/back of the pod.
  12. Here's an Imgur gallery. The pics of it on the VF-31 were after I made a few adjustments to get it going together properly. Looks like I'll need to upload new files for most of the parts (though the old ones just needed a little knife work). https://imgur.com/a/sWgzI
  13. Shapeways parts have arrived. Looks like some parts need a bit of tweaking, specifically the mating pegs between top/bottom of the main housing. The missile inserts need a bit more clearance between the missiles and the holes they poke through, especially if paint is going to be involved. On the plus side, it looks like the hinge mechanism works great, and the door meshes properly with the lines of the housing. Also the size and shape is pretty damn close to the original. I may end up making different versions of the parts based on print material, as the differences in fit and finish are quite large. [edit] I'll put up images a bit later or tomorrow.
  14. The one on HLJ is probably the 1/72 model kit, which does not include the missiles. The DX supers are Tamashii web exclusive IIRC.
  15. It shows them in the promo image, and it costs more than the previous superpacks, seems reasonable enough to me to assume they will be included.
  16. I guess I'll get a set. Glad I opted for Mirage instead of Messer though, considering this way I get missiles with my supers.
  17. That? That I need. All I have so far for HMR VF-1s is Max, Milia, and the 35th Messer.
  18. That and tornado pack VF-25s. Maybe a HMR Vajra while we're at it?
  19. Up at NY, still 11,480¥ https://www.nippon-yasan.com/21553-hi-metal-r-vf-2ss-valkyrie-ii-sap-silvie-gena-custom.html
  20. Mine's shipping with an SDF-1 from Hobby Search, so still waiting...
  21. There's still a pre-order up. Otherwise you can hope someone re-sells one of theirs, or one pops up on Mandarake.
  22. I can't remember the last time I saw a PBandai release sell out. I'm guessing the 31a is suuuuuper popular. Glad I already ordered 2.
  23. Looks like Nippon Yasan is finally closed for their 31a pre-orders. 4 months out from release, which is pretty damn early for them.
  24. Is this what the valkyrie version of human centipede looks like?
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