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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Quite the nice set honestly, from Arcadia. All it was missing was the fold booster. The extra 2 missiles you see under the DX (innermost next to the gun) go inside the legs. [edit] Image courtesy of @jenius
  2. I'll be honest, it only popped up after I bought the others, and I wanted the dimension eaters. Also, I happen to have a lot of DX Chogokins.
  3. Just got this from Mandarake, opened, but good condition and only $64 shipped.
  4. Yup, the price drops the tax once you hit the "English" link above the search bar. Or use this link to go to the English entry: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/DetailPage/item?itemCode=1062231806&ref=list&lang=en
  5. Oh, I got mine printed early, actually the day before the 10% off, so I missed that (grumble). Got the free shipping at least. They've already shipped, now it's UPS holding me up.
  6. I don't think I can save directly as SKP from solidworks unfortunately. Solidworks does: x_t, x_b, igs, stp, ifc, vda, sat, wrl, stl, amf, 3dxml, xaml, cgr, prt, hcg, hsf, and dxf. Typically I use igs and x_b, but shapeways requires stl. Also looks like UPS pushed my delivery date from Tues to Fri. Bleh.
  7. Mandarake has a few listed below MSRP and unopened, and they get more relatively frequently (week or two). https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1062231806&ref=list
  8. http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/038/949/5f4.gif
  9. F$ck yes. I own the Arcadia, and even the Yamato fold booster. And the VF-19 Advance. Still 100% going to buy this, no questions. Pre-order madness is going to be a harsh mistress for this one.
  10. Honestly, I'd prefer it in-scale with the rest of the Macross 1/60s as well.
  11. Well, there goes another $200-$250...
  12. Sweet, great to have official confirmation that the missiles are included.
  13. Update: Everything printed fine and has now shipped, ought to arrive next Tues/Wed. Anyone have requests for what format to upload the CAD files in?
  14. Well, the fact that the weight is 90g heavier at least points to some refinements in the design (more metal, thicker plastic, or more accessories?)
  15. Package Size/Weight: 49.0 x 36.5 x 14.2 cm / 1820g That's a big box. (19.3 x 14.4 x 5.6 in / 4lbs)
  16. Hobby search just charged me and emailed saying the SDF-1 was in stock. [edit] Hobby search has also changed the status from reservation closed to sold out.
  17. Pre-ordered one at NY to ship with a premium SDF-1.
  18. Woot, managed to get one at HLJ. Hobby Search seems to have sold out more-or-less instantly. [edit] Seems to be back up now though.
  19. They cannot open while it's stowed in fighter mode, due to the hinge opening to the sides. It can be deployed in fighter mode up above the wing though. I'm actually getting my missile doors printed in Hi-def Acrylate. They can only be printed in materials with <1mm wall thickness available such as FUD and Hi-def Acrylate. This does mean that Acrylic (Detail Plastic) is a no-go due to wall thickness. As far as all the other parts, should be viable in just about every plastic they have.
  20. Yup. They don't actually feel that much different in hand (though I can tell the difference). Should be easy enough to sand over, or maybe even just a slightly thick primer coat. For my actual set I'm going to use on my 31a I went with the Acrylate for the doors though, since it's a bit stronger and the FUD/FED material is a bit brittle.
  21. The Super VF-1A now has a page on Hobby Search, pre-orders start on 11/28 (tonight). http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10505301 I hope pre-order madness is a bit easier this time around so i can get it through HLJ.
  22. Congrats, the Arcadia YF-19 is pretty awesome, aside from the loose ankles.
  23. Well, if it doesn't need to articulate or stow properly, then yes a scaled down version will work just fine.
  24. I'll have to do some CAD wizardry, as the shaft holes need to stay the same size while everything else scales down. You could probably try just printing it smaller if you have a 0.02" drill bit to open up the hinge holes (Amazon does sell these).
  25. Try the trade forums here, and check on Mandarake, which is a used toy/collectible shop in Japan which will sell/ship internationally. I've gotten a bunch of stuff from them, with no issues.
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