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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. I see no issue calling them CAD personally, as they are made with a computer. CAD Drawing is more technically correct, but just calling it CAD wouldn't bother me. Then again, Engineers are by and large hugely pedantic, as the difference between precision and accuracy for instance makes a huge difference from a design perspective.
  2. Puts on Mechanical Engineer hat. CAD means Computer Aided Design, strictly speaking these are CAD Drawings. They may be derived from a 3-dimensional part, but the actual image is of a 2-D "drawing" or schematic, in the style of a blueprint. Now, from looking at them, I'm inclined to believe that they're actually artwork, rather than simply views of a 3D model.
  3. Yeah, it's also got much nicer paint and more detail on the internal parts.
  4. I'm kinda glad, seeing as the Hi-Metal VF-19 isn't very good (or so I hear). Maybe after the DX sells well we can get a new mold.
  5. Now you've given me an idea. Start with dimensions from the YF-19 version, and make a 3D printed version to match the Frontier one.
  6. Yeah, I noticed this as well. Had to pull out my hobby knife and trim a few offenders (one of the legs actually had a nub that was still sticking out!) I wonder if it's a symptom of the high demand/volume, or if they've just generally slacked in QC. The DX toys are much better, but they damn well ought to be for those prices. Either way, I probably will grab a Nexx version and display it with the SAP, maybe in fighter mode while the current one is in Gerwalk. I'd have gone for Battroid, except the heatshield hinge bothered me too much.
  7. Probably would be fairly easy to do, if people are interested, and it mounts to a valkyrie I have (and can measure the attachment points for).
  8. After transforming my brand new VF-2SS into gerwalk, I'm feeling the anime magic. Dear god, the number of hinges involved in the legs and hips.
  9. Picked up mine as well, but leaving it in the box until I have somewhere to display it.
  10. We could hope for an anniversary paint-scheme that's low-vis?
  11. My box showed up from Hobby Search (yesterday, but I picked it up from the post today). Unfortunately looks like the book was across a side inside the box, oh well.
  12. Honestly, it looks kinda like it's improperly transformed, with the chest not being folded down all the way.
  13. We won't forget the wrong decal orientation on the Messer VF-31 though. Which arguably was an even easier fix.
  14. I'm still waiting for the Roid Deculture custom.
  15. You have more willpower than me, I picked mine up from the post office this morning and couldn't resist opening the shipping box in my trunk.
  16. So, here's a crappy video of a recent Bandai Macross commercial: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1470780579701589&id=1072529709526680&refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2FMechaAlliance%2Fvideos%2F1470780579701589%2F&_rdr You can see the YF-21 and the VF-11 both appearing in it.
  17. Hobby Search sent me the in-stock notification on the 21st. Picking mine up tomorrow morning. Here ya go, not even low stock yet: https://hlj.com/product/BANN17742
  18. To be fair, even macross isn't accurate to itself. See: wide variations in the sizes of Zentradi and their vehicles.
  19. I've got one pre-ordered through NY, and I'm hoping they applied some to the city in the leg, because it would be awesome.
  20. Just paint/decal/tampo apps.
  21. So, right before the "Valkyrie project" logo they showed a bunch of valkyries, including the YF-21. This gives me hope. [edit] Upon closer inspection, there also appears to be a VF-11.
  22. It certainly looks like missiles coming out of the boosters on the wings. It also looks like it's still got the standard weapons pod with the gun on top.
  23. I've seen "Packaging severely damaged", and it's pretty much any scuff you can actually notice from 5ft away. Ordered a few as well, no issues.
  24. According to google translate on my phone: One time space alloy exhibition in 2015. And at the TAMASHII NATION 2016 held the following year, Valkyrie's solid appearing in each work ? was completed. "TAMASHII NATIONS VALKYRIE PROJECT" is now proceeding so that you can keep them as products. Now, ? is announcing 2 aircraft at different sizes. Please stay tuned. Sounds like there's 2 different scales of aircraft incoming.
  25. Considering it's almost an extra $300, close to double the base cost, it better be frakking amazing.
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