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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Given that they only released armored packs for the VF-25 Alto and Ozma, and tornado only for Alto and Michael, I imagine it'll be the same here.
  2. http://tamashii.jp/special/macross/vf-31s/ Down at the bottom: Which translates via google translate:
  3. Arad's VF-31 also comes with the reaction missiles as part of the base set, so at least you're getting more for that 1,000yen extra.
  4. Why yes, it appears it will. Awesome, less and less regret over skipping the 31J Kai every day.
  5. I only saw Roy and Hikaru, where did you order from?
  6. It's a lot different than my Gimix VF-31 to say the least.
  7. Yeah, and that's not even counting renting a storage space to keep the box.
  8. Hear Hear!
  9. Oh, I have no doubt it'll be painted in the premium version. I'm just ticked the sticker they gave for the normal version doesn't fit.
  10. There was, but it doesn't fit. It's the big dark L-shaped one.
  11. Well, they're replacing all the stickers, so at least they'll be painting in the backdrop behind the city. If they actually throw some paint apps on the buildings themselves though... That'd be awesome.
  12. I just threw it on a spare from my Missile Regult set.
  13. Yeah, that's pretty amazing looking.
  14. Honestly I'd just take an exacto knife and scrape it off, then buff the area. Picked up my Elintseeker this morning, the changes between it and a normal VF-1 are interesting. [edit] Also, it really needed to come with a stand.
  15. I'm with you, the amazing action sequences forgive a lot of the lacking areas. Zero still has some of the best, if not the best, action sequences in the entirety of the franchise. The only things that are even close are from Frontier or Plus (and Plus isn't as shiny).
  16. Just wondering, does anyone know if the old HM VF-1S and the HMR VF-1S share the same head connection? I've been wondering about swapping the new (and better looking) VF-1S head off my HMR Messer onto my old HM VF-1S Roy.
  17. Looking good there, can't wait to see pics of the finished article.
  18. Finally got myself an RVF-171 a bit ago, and put it out yesterday.
  19. I hope the lack of progress means the re-design is fairly comprehensive and well tested.
  20. Call me a heretic, but I actually like the all-black with gold panel lines anniversary scheme, also the YF-29 anniversary scheme (since it's essentially a Roy YF-29).
  21. Honestly, the paint scheme looks better without the stickers, but still not a fan.
  22. Mine decided to try and be delivered today while I was out getting food. The post office isn't open again until Tuesday. Guess I'm going over before work.
  23. With a drink poured on his head.
  24. Mine's finally made it to LA on the 14th, now bouncing around California, hopefully gets to me early next week.
  25. Zero was shorter, and much more action-filled with amazing eye-candy. It had issues, but any dullness was bookended on both ends by something spectacular and didn't last too long. Excuses a lot of story issues.
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