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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. The VF-31 is considered to have very good mechanics, while the -262 looks great but is a bit... intricate in it's transformation. They're both worth buying, if you like the design, but the -31 is the more popular of the two going by the current prices. The VF-31 has super-parts available, but they were a Tamashii web store item rather than standard retail release. THe SV-262 has a pack which includes missile launchers for the legs/wings, Lil' Draken drones, a sword, and a fixed-pose shield. Again, Tamashii web shop.
  2. My VF-1S Roy did the exact same thing, pretty easy fix though.
  3. You can 3D print replacement parts, the hard aspect is getting the models to 3D print from. Scanning equipment that works at the resolution required is really damn expensive, and making 3D models of complex curved surfaces sucks.
  4. 3D printing will never surpass injection-molding when it comes to cost at production volumes. What 3D printing will do is let you create parts which are more complex, or create parts in smaller batches without forking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in up-front mold costs. 3D printing has a higher cost per unit, due to the increased complexity of the manufacturing machinery and longer time to produce. Injection molding has a staggering up-front cost in the molds, but the actual process is quite simple and quick. To give you an idea of the up-front costs, I quoted out injection molding 3 relatively simple parts (largest was under 18"x6"x6") as part of my job, the mold costs were $57,000. I imagine the cost of a set of molds for a 1/60 Valkyrie are hundreds of thousands. [edit] The true place of 3D printing is in prototyping the parts which will later be injection molded. Tossing $57k of molds isn't something anyone wants to do, so you 3D print the parts and check fit and function, doing your iterative design with 3D prints before finalizing the design and buying molds.
  5. Personally I prefer the -31C's head sculpt the most.
  6. Well, you could always get the Arcadia non-premium? There will probably be several for sale once the premium comes out, and it's even still in stock on some online retailers for retail.
  7. The Arcadia SDF-1 release comes with a bunch of screw covers and other bits on runners, rather than installed on the figure itself.
  8. I'm not sure about installed, since the antennas and such won't fit on while it's in the box. Hopefully they're at least removed from the runner, topcoated/decal'd, and put in bags?
  9. I noticed on my Milia, the missile pylon needs to be attached at a certain position, rotated with the front (or was it back?) facing as far inwards as possible, then rotated out. There's a small gap in the attachment point to let the pylon snap on easily/with less stress. Also, you need to remove the missiles from the pylon to attach the second one properly, since the missiles run into eachother when putting on the second pylon.
  10. Nice find, need to find myself a VF-11 some day to go with the YF-21 and -19.
  11. Did they show if any painting was done on the city?
  12. Almost time to find out if the ebay seller I accidentally bought from instead of CDJ is a scam or not. I'm still in the chargeback/dispute window though, until at least midway through April. [edit] Also, have a second pre-ordered through NY.
  13. Glad you like it. You are correct that the mounting hole is just a downscaled 1/60 size. Looking forward to the finished product. I'm going to try and get the 1/60 scale mounted up on sprues this week, and start on a clip to mount the gun to the wing hardpoints (on the 1/60).
  14. There was a Lil' Draken and missile pod set for the SV-262 (also came with open shield and sword), but this appears to be a new one with some method to attach the Lil' Drakens to a VF-31.
  15. I guess I may as well put in a pre-order with them, and hope to catch someone's HLJ cancellation.
  16. Any of those questionable sellers? I have heard things about nin-nin.
  17. If they release the Tomahawk I need to order like 5, got a couple of bit Battletech fan friends who'll want a nice warhammer figure.
  18. You know what makes me happy about that? It's not color coded to any specific valkyrie, so I don't need to go hunt down a Messer.
  19. Anyone know of places that still have the Laevatein still available for pre-order? I missed it.
  20. Well, thankfully managed to the the 31S without issues.
  21. Good luck with it. I'm going to hold out on trying to get the new Laevatein, supposedly it's got a few updates.
  22. I run Chrome with Distil web monitor plugin. Managed to snag quite a few things that way, still waiting for the ping that lets me know a Laevatein's available.
  23. Keep an eye on HLJ for other people cancelling their orders.
  24. The price is marginally higher due to including reaction missiles.
  25. You and me both, oh well. At least got one from CDJ.
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