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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Well, got my order cancelled on me at NY right as I hit the payment page, but at least I got one at CDJ and one from Amazon shipping to my Tenso address. Having to pay full retail+tax+international shipping kinda sucks, but I'll take it.
  2. Same, made it to step 5 of NY checkout, and it was no longer available.
  3. Well had to get my second one through Amazon Japan via Tenso address, at least for the moment.
  4. It's not, it's a display glitch. Try clicking on "order".
  5. If you pay for CDJ with a credit card, they don't charge you until it's released.
  6. Cmon Amazon Japan. I want my cheap shipping please.
  7. Well, I was expecting it, but the motorball bit is completely sideways to the manga's plot. Also Vector is not supposed to be a villain...
  8. Then the new movie hits, and there's a whole new set of Delta valks. Oh, and don't forget the potential for VF-31a Arad.
  9. It looks good and everything, but I really wish I could find a manga version figure.
  10. The shoulder lights/tabs also have a different shape for the clear insert. IIRC there were a few more as well, early in the thread someone has a pretty good side-by-side.
  11. Given the differences, they're at least not entirely made of factory second parts.
  12. Macross Frontier is the series he was referring to, you ought to give it (the TV series) a watch. It's the best Macross TV show outside of the original one.
  13. No prob @jvmacross, that 20% off pre-orders at the flying mule right as they listed it was too good to pass up on my end as well. They even got me for a black bunny F-14 as well.
  14. I'll probably put it in an armored pack. The orange looks like it'll match nicely with Arad's pack, even if they don't make one for Chuck specifically.
  15. I think this will be the first delta valk I get 2 of. Just because I want to steal the dish with a repaint to go on one of my 31a Kairos.
  16. Looks a little like armored core?
  17. Now I'm left pondering if the YF-19 would wear a bikini top with 1 or 2 cups.
  18. Yeah, I got some stuff, since I was up at 5am (PST) losing a Yahoo Japan auction.
  19. For normal POs: Amazon Japan. For TWE: proxy, or NY.
  20. Old lady is best lady.
  21. If it's limited number per account, they might only have had like 10 to sell total. You can try proxies like FromJapan, DeJapan, ZenMarket, or others.
  22. P-Bandai means Premium Bandai. It's the storefront for online exclusives like TWE. Essentially means that it will be produced once only, and to match pre-order numbers. No general release, not available from most retailers. Grey market sites will have it, but they'll charge over MSRP since they have to pay MSRP to get it.
  23. No problem, that also probably explains why they sent it to you with the valkyrie included. Those look like 3D printed prototype parts, which means that they probably don't have the pins and slots properly toleranced to hold together on their own.
  24. For anyone who wants one, but hasn't gotten one yet: Nippon Yasan is currently doing FREE SHIPPING on everything in-stock, which includes this. Considering the shipping costs, that's like $150+ savings for anyone in the US.
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