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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Just got shipping notice on my gunpod, time for the sticker shock on shipping soon when it hits Tenso. 🤑
  2. They're probably using multiple molds, and I'm guessing their tolerances were not up to bandai's usual standards.
  3. Yeah lycoris recoil was quite the surprise to me as well. Same for Isekai yakkyoku.
  4. My elint Valkyrie shelf:
  5. Not up for PO yet, PO CANCELED!
  6. From the full text, it seems like they're still deciding if there will be a PF or not. They'd like to do one, but it's not approved currently.
  7. From the blog post (translated):
  8. It was a TWE release, had to order via a proxy or store which functions as a proxy (Anime Export for example).
  9. Definitely down for a couple monsters. Probably going to skip the Walkure valks, since I already have 4 different 31 sets. Now give us a Sheryl/Alto pairing! Though if they gave us a Bobby/ Macross Quarter kit I’d be laughing as I preordered.
  10. Got mine, pulled it out for a basic inspection. Same 31 cockpit gap, both wings slotted into the legs fine, one arm was slotted in, but didn't try massaging the other one into place.
  11. I appreciate the second movie for the prison concert.
  12. I'm literally reading off the shipping cost from Amazon Japan, so it's 100% exactly what I believe it to be. ¥6,380 ¥5,487 delivery How much is shipping showing for you? https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B0B7VZW7M8
  13. Meanwhile in this reality I'm talking about international shipping costs, and California is closer to Japan than Texas is.
  14. Yeah, if I move to Texas is can cost even more!
  15. Oof, that delivery fee, over ¥5000 showing to California.
  16. I wonder if I can get Tenso to cram it into a tiny box, since it's a plush anyway.
  17. I’ve got their Patlabor Ingram, and am down for this. They do seem to have a bit better quality than KC.
  18. Got one as well, glad I set up an account there and a tenso address years ago.
  19. No, it will contain the mold changes that were made to the Bogue version. There’s zero point in not using the newer molds, that’s assuming they even made new molds rather than modifying the old ones. It’s not like they have a bunch of old Hayate AX valkyries sitting around to sell, they need to make the new parts.
  20. Yeah, it's just a bit weird since the pre-order button takes you to an individual order page, rather than your cart. You can get them both in cart together, and then combine shipping. (posting this for anyone else having the issue)
  21. Amazon Japan has the Tiny Sessions figures up for sale, with international shipping available. Ranka/Michael: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B0B7QYF93M/ Sheryl/Alto: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B0B7R22T3T/ HLJ is out of stock already.
  22. Edit: wrong thread.
  23. Proxy got my order for 2 in, time to wait for release.
  24. $300 to put in a couple proxy orders, not bad.
  25. Thanks, got off my own arse and set it up on a browser over here as well.
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