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Everything posted by JakCrow

  1. I think the lack of a stand really killed the SL for me. There's a full armor set coming out for it that's up for pre-order right now. https://showzstore.com/pre-order-steel-legend-sl-upgrade-kit-for-sl-01-sl01-nz-666-kshatriya-gundam-unicorn_p1473.html
  2. I originally had pre-ordered the Steel Legend release, but when I saw a review for it and the MC version, I went with the MC version instead, which IMO is the better figure. It comes with a stand, funnel FX parts, and the figure details are fantastic. My figure came with the arm mounted gatling guns, and add in the gatling gun w/ sub arms option pack and I believe it basically blows the SL figure out if the water. It's also going for $190 on Gundam Central right now
  3. Oh My Primus has the Sazabi for pre-order right now. Full price will be $175usd when it's released https://ohmyprimus.com/jgmszb.html
  4. I have the regular MC Strike Freedom and it's totally worth it. The deactivated version should be the same as the release I have except for the color. You can also search around and find the standard color, the sapphire color version, and the pearl coating version in a few places. Here's the pearl coating version for $160usd https://ohmyprimus.com/mc-strikefreedom.html
  5. Don't write off all 3rd party figures. Many are great for the price, like those from Metal Club / Muscle Bear, and some can be better than Bandai's original releases, like those from Moshow / Poison Toys / Vientiane Toys. You just have to keep an eye on the reviews before pulling the trigger on another figure.
  6. The stand adapter for the Kshatriya I have developed stress cracks, and when I added the new gatling guns w/ sub arms kit, the weight was just too much for those cracks
  7. MC Gold and Green Frames releasing next month. They're easy enough. I like that they come with their signature weapons. ggmara.blogspot.com/2019/07/mc_25.html
  8. You know, even though this is an older MB, I really have to vent my displeasure over the MB Tactical Arms and the changes Bandai made to the sword with the ridiculous extension to the handle. It makes the thing even more bulky and unwieldy than the MG Red Frame's version, and I just don't see a point to it. It makes the thing even heavier for the MB Red Frame on its stand. I realize they wanted to make something new for the Metal Build, but they could have done something along the lines of what they did for the Perfect Grade kit, which updated the torch / gun with a new look.
  9. I could use a spare stand adapter for my MC Kshatriya. I've already broken one and got a replacement from the store I bought it from, but I could use one or two spare.
  10. Man, compared to all the other MB efforts, that looks really, really plain. I think I'll pass.
  11. I'm really interested in getting one of the Motor Nuclear figures. Oh, and the FunHobby Blue Destiny figures are on sale for $90 and $100USD.
  12. I ordered a DX set from ebay for about $35USD. Should get it this month
  13. The tax story was completely exaggerated. WB was going to get $12 to 17 million, not $40 mil. The current story is at&t got involved and didn't like the direction of the show, and also the future of the streaming service is up in the air since they're planning on a full WB service.
  14. This doesn't change my opinion. A company that didn't even pay it's full taxes last year took its toys and went home when it couldn't get the amount of money it wanted from the state of NC. I don't believe the additional costs couldn't have been written off as well. Also, the idea the show couldn't have been relocated for the next season which would have been a year out is laughable. Edit: looks like the claim that the studio wasn't going to get the tax break may be fake https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/the-week-in-geek-x-men-ends-swamp-thing-ends-vertigo-maybe-ends "The rumor was that NC did not actually have the money to make good on said rebate. According to the director of the North Carolina film office, Guy Gaster, that is not the case. In an email to io9, he insisted, "Once their audit is completed to verify the production’s qualified spends, the rebate will be paid as agreed upon.""
  15. There's a whole host of issues I have with how the WB was expecting tax payers to foot half the bill for a show WB could fund itself.
  16. It's a "Musha Gundam" take on it by the looks of it. I like it.
  17. When I realized they were basically doing a TV version of Grant Morrison's run on Doom Patrol, I was sold. And it's hilarious.
  18. This looks pretty cool. It's a MB version of a resin kit, like many of these MB KOs often are https://showzstore.com/pre-order-devil-hunter-dh-dh-01-dh01-1-100-date-masamune-gundam-metal-build_p1430.html
  19. I'm looking forward it this. So far Titans is pretty damn good, and Doom Patrol is one of the best shows this year so far. Funny how DC/WB does way better with their TV shows than they have with their movies.
  20. You can install the service and browse what they have available. I'm not impressed with the line up for the monthly fee they want. I pay less for other services that deliver way more.
  21. I think it's funny how new SEED kits get a lot of people REALLY excited and prompts new discussions about possible future SEED kits coming out. I personally like the SEED and 00 designs over most UC, so I'm always interested in these new kits or Metal Builds.
  22. I watched Titans season 1 and despite the weak makeup job for Kory and concern about how it was going to turn out, the show was actually pretty damn good. Anna Diop did a great job as Kory, while she isn't the innocent character portrayed in other instances, her ass kicking personality was really good. They also introduced Hawk and Dove, Wonder Girl, and teased Superboy at the end of season. Doom Patrol is one of THE BEST TV shows this year. It's a take on the Grant Morrison run of the comic book, and it's often hilarious, bloody, insightful, and quirky, bringing in several of the characters from the Morrison run, including Danny the Street. The entire cast is great. I'm looking forward to Swamp Thing. However, between these shows and the existing content on the service, I don't find these enough to sign up for the DC Universe service, but Titans is on Netflix UK and I expect the others to end up on it too.
  23. No listing for the Seven Sword right now.
  24. I got it from a seller on Aliexpress https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/cSVkZ0Jq
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