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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. He will be sorely missed, a master of form, function, and gouache.
  2. That game started its Kickstarter when I was 13 and now I'm 22. Talk about a protracted development.
  3. It's from the 90's, not the 80's, but I'd pay a lot of money for a bluray release of "Idol Defence Force Hummingbird". That was a fun OVA.
  4. The Japanese MoD are allocating 28 billion yen towards full scale development of the "Next Fighter" program, aka the long awaited F-3. Key technologies to be worked on include the ability to network with unmanned aircraft similar to Boeing's Loyal Wingmen, https://www.mod.go.jp/j/yosan/yosan_gaiyo/2020/yosan.pdf
  5. https://twitter.com/LockheedMartin/status/1207424928682782720 What a tease!
  6. Well, the jet parts that were in the OG Top Gun were very memorable, which is why I guess so many people only remember that part and not Maverick's woman issues, or his trauma around losing his RIO.
  7. I sorta miss late 90's-early 00's industrial design. Sure, a lot of it was butt-ugly and made out of the cheapest material money could buy, but at least they experimented with shapes and colours a lot.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgmsb1axQAs The newest TV anime by Yuasa looks incredible, I can't wait.
  9. The world's first commercial electric powered aircraft (a modified DHC-2 Beaver) had its inaugural test flight yesterday on the Fraser River. https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/harbour-air-company-tests-first-commercial-electronic-aircraft-in-richmond
  10. In preparation for the third and final DLC mission release, PA just released this in-universe magazine article on the Alicorn super submarine. https://ace7.acecombat.jp/clm/column04.php Translation by https://twitter.com/Task_Force23/status/1199200521535524864 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nlc1F4VkbF55k7hn3Amkm4kL__ZybGE0hLdK_BdbZec/edit
  11. Me too, its one of my favorite OVA's from the 90's, and the initial manga was great fun (Burst was just a fever dream). I was hoping Sonoda's new anime project would get enough money for a longer run time, but it only got enough for 5 minutes.
  12. What the hell is Ford thinking? https://www.motor1.com/news/382779/2020-ford-mustang-mach-e-details/
  13. My Gunsmith Cats bluray set is on its way, I can hardly wait. I've seen some screencaps from people who've already got their hands on theirs, and the quality is excellent.
  14. Death Stranding is basically what happens when you take a standard videogame fetch quest, give it steroids, and make it the central focus of the game. It sounds terrible, and it certainly isn't for everyone, but I really enjoy it. The gameplay loop is based around planning your route, what gear to take (each piece of equipment takes up a slot that could be used for cargo), whether you should bypass certain areas affected by "timefall" in order to keep your cargo pristine, or whether to take the shortest route possible in order to have a blazing fast delivery, no matter the increased danger. The online component is also quite cool, and honestly makes up a decent chunk of the game. You can use infrastructure such as power generators, bridges, and ladders placed by other players, and other players can use things you've placed yourself in order to traverse the landscape, and it makes the game feel like a genuinely collaborative effort. Modern Warfare is alright, but the campaign was a let down (aside from the NVG missions, those were excellent). I had my multiplayer fun, but most of the maps are really terribly designed.
  15. I read that book too. Pretty enjoyable, although I will concur it got a bit dry in the middle. There's a lot of exciting developments in the rotary world coming to the US armed forces, like the Kiowa replacement in the form of the Future Attack Recon Aircraft (FARA) program. https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2019/10/9/armys-future-attack-recon-aircraft-gains-momentum The Bell Invictus looks quite cool, reminiscent of the Comanche.
  16. I nominate Flapjack.
  17. Speaking of unusual operators of attack helicopters...
  18. Brand new stealth mockup unveiled by Airbus. https://hushkit.net/2019/11/05/first-impressions-of-the-airbus-lout-diamond-bat-stealth-technology-demonstrator/
  19. The Japanese State Minister of Defence is an Ace Combat fan. https://twitter.com/ty_polepole/status/1187308197607919616?s=19
  20. While we're on the topic of Skylon, Reaction Engines have just passed a major milestone as well. https://www.reactionengines.co.uk/news/reaction-engines-test-programme-fully-validates-precooler-hypersonic-heat-conditions "During the latest series of tests, Reaction Engines’ unique precooler successfully quenched airflow temperatures in excess of 1,000°C (~1,800°F) in less than 1/20th of a second. The tests demonstrated the precooler’s ability to successfully cool airflow at speeds significantly in excess of the operational limit of any jet-engine powered aircraft in history. Mach 5 is more than twice as fast as the cruising speed of Concorde and over 50% faster than the SR-71 Blackbird aircraft – the world’s fastest jet-engine powered aircraft."
  21. One of their goals is civilian space tourism.
  22. Went with my dad, he said it captured his memory of NYC in the 70's perfectly.
  23. Overview of the company via an English language PDF. 15 employees, and $7M in capital doesn't seem like a lot for what they're planning on doing, but I guess a small company is better suited to quick decision making. https://pdas.co.jp/en/documents/Company_Outline_EN.pdf
  24. A Japanese company is working on a hybrid jet/rocket engine for spaceplanes. From the article, with the help of Google translate. "The company is equipped with a unique engine that can switch between jet combustion and rocket combustion. A spacecraft development venture that aims to expand. Currently, the development of the aircraft and the engine is in a good condition for the trial of reaching an altitude of 100 kilometers in 2020 with an unmanned experimental aircraft." https://newswitch.jp/p/19700 Pretty snazzy paint scheme on their demonstrator aircraft.
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