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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. Wasn't the VF-0 exactly that, a reimagination of the VF-1 but with Kawamori's newer, CG oriented design sensibility?
  2. Very good news, official confirmation of a new Ace Combat title!
  3. Cockpit of Korea's newest indigenous fighter.
  4. Its been a while since I watched Delta, but werent they given some form of combat training, they are still employees of a PMC right?
  5. Kawamori does it again, lol
  6. The fighter mode looks awesome. Battroid does look kinda skinny. Not the biggest fan of those beam guns(?) above the head.
  7. Another trailer. Very flashy.
  8. Some nice Rafale M footage.
  9. Is this the first VF/SV with no vertical stabilizers?
  10. Excited to see that new VF in action, I dig the neon light strip look.
  11. Really like the updated two piece cockpit canopy on the AX. Pretty sleek.
  12. Yeah, pretty exciting development in engine tech.
  13. https://www.sandboxx.us/blog/ges-new-fighter-engine-just-blew-away-existing-jet-technology/ "GE’s new XA100 can produce a whopping 45,000 pounds of thrust, edging out the Pratt and Whitney’s F-135-PW-100 that currently powers America’s single-engine F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and making it a viable option for the conventional-runway iteration of the jet, the F-35A. This news comes amid ongoing concerns about F-35 engine availability and maintenance issues that could threaten as many as 20% of F-35s if a resolution isn’t found soon. While GE’s XA100 would not enter service in time to address these shortfalls, the new engine shines a light on the concept’s promising future, as well as other potential applications for this engine that span three fighter generations. According to Tweedie, the XA100’s “three-stream architecture” enables a doubling of thermal management capacity, or in other words, a real reduction in the heat created by the engine’s operation. That heat reduction is essential as modern aircraft shift away from traditional metal airframes and fuselages and toward more advanced composite materials. Heat is currently a limiting factor in power production, but that will no longer be the case with this new generation of powerplant."
  14. Developer interviews with english subtitles.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqZOaUpORjo First successful air to air refueling with the USNs new MQ25 drone.
  16. https://twitter.com/NellisAFB/status/1396964771543490561 https://twitter.com/orko_manna/status/1396962356064706560 Aircraft crashed outside Nellis AFB, pilot reported dead.
  17. There's only so many ways you can skin a cat, as the saying goes. Personally, as long as the fighter and battroid modes look cool, I'm not too fussed if Kawamori reuses design elements, That said, we've yet to see the transformation sequence for that mystery VF...
  18. https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/fcasscaf-partner-nations-launch-ngf-demonstrator-phase
  19. Tenjin and company has really been knocking it out the park with these Delta kit boxes, I really enjoy the glossy sheen on the more ornamental schemes.
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