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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. JUNNA is a terrific singer, I'm impressed by how deep her voice can get, especially for someone so young.
  2. I'm not sure I see the resemblance to the YF-23. They look completely different to me.
  3. I had the same issues with Delta as everyone else had (mainly the complete lack of progress in plot halfway through, and the total non-ending the series gave us), but the music was definitely one of the strong points. Both the Walkure albums and the BGM had some real catchy tunes.
  4. B-1 airframes themselves are getting rather long in the tooth. I doubt there'd be much interest in putting a ton of funding into such a comprehensive upgrade for an old bird like her when the F-35 has just gotten past its development hell, and into service. Especially when a potential replacement (the B-21) is just over the horizon.
  5. I guess it just confirmed what everyone knew all along. A shame that one of the most famous game franchises meets its end in a blogpost written by the head writer.
  6. New gameplay from Gamescom, featuring one seriously rude AWACS.
  7. Speaking of Macross Plus references, this shot here looks awfully similiar.
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