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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. And then it needs a railgun pod when the drones activate mega-ultra ECM.
  2. https://revengeofthefans.com/2018/09/12/exclusive-see-mavericks-plane-in-these-top-gun-maverick-set-photos/ Some pics of Maverick's F-18. Pretty attractive paint job in my opinion. Just enough color to stand out, but not over the top.
  3. Or an XF8-U3, the uber Crusader.
  4. Yep, its a real shame they don't include some more obscure older aircraft. Previous AC games have had one or two older aircraft, like the Draken, F-5, and A-6, but its usually only been a few. I'm happy that the F-104 is in the game though, its one of my favorite fightes in terms of looks.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESyiEEAZ3Bw New trailer for the VR mode got uploaded to youtube today.
  6. Sounds like my kinda guy.
  7. The first unmanned aircraft to be a permanent part of a carrier air wing has been picked by the US Navy. https://news.usni.org/2018/08/30/navy-picks-boeing-build-mq-25a-stingray-carrier-based-drone
  8. Some helpful guy on twitter did a partial translation of an interview 4gamer had with Ace Combat brand producer Kazutoki Kono and Ace Combat 7 producer Manabu Shimimoto. Encyclopedia Strangereal also summarized the most recent Famitsu interview with Kono. http://www.encycstra.net/blog/gamescom-2018-famitsu-interview-summary-notes
  9. Quite ugly, to be honest. Never was a fan of digital camo though.
  10. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a22791042/the-first-us-hypersonic-weapons-arrow-and-hacksaw/
  11. Reminds me of those old usenet posts from the 90's decrying Sailor Moon for foreshadowing the End of Animeâ„¢. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  12. Gameplay from Gamescom 2018. Beware of spoilers regarding Trigger's reason for being a convict, around 10 minutes into the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsM7IBtVH-Y
  13. Unmanned and manned commercial flight getting one step closer to sharing flight space.
  14. https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/aviation/a22355833/boeing-new-f-15x/ Looks like Boeing is upping the ante, with a planned Eagle variant capable of carrying more than two dozen anti air missiles per aircraft. We're getting pretty close to Macross levels of missile spam.
  15. Some real nice moves there, great show. Wish I got to see it live, maybe some day I'll make the trip over.
  16. The AC7 website got a major facelift today, its looking real slick now. https://ace7.acecombat.jp/
  17. I've browsed through it at times, but I haven't made an account yet. At the moment I've only got a lonely SKS, being a college student with only a part time job doesn't leave much money for expanding the collection.
  18. Oh yeah, I tried bringing up Macross at my college anime club and just got blank stares. Maybe that'll change once HG loses their death grip on the IP in a couple years (hopefully).
  19. M7 is definitely a love it of hate it affair. I'd give my left arm for a Macross the Ride adaptation too, there are some pretty delicious VF designs in there that would look awesome in motion. The VF-19 Nothung in particular.
  20. Look at that, a miniature drone payload system. Just like the VF-31.
  21. Completely agree, at least Delta still had excellent mecha designs, background art, and music to make up for the nosedive in writing quality. TLJ was a dumpster fire in every way.
  22. I'd put it like this, if you could get past Frontier and M7, Delta should be no problem. But it definitely takes a plunge in quality around episode 13 or so, which is the last episode I derived any excitement and enjoyment from.
  23. The first half isn't bad, imo.
  24. RIP in pieces, we hardly knew ye. http://www.businessinsider.com/russia-admits-defeat-su-57-not-going-into-mass-production-2018-7
  25. Project Aces celebrated the 23rd anniversary of the Ace Combat franchise in a pretty fitting way. Also a subtle confirmation that the YF-23 is another playable aircraft in Ace Combat 7, I hope.
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