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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. https://twitter.com/bk2128/status/1087207771353767936 https://twitter.com/serkantoto/status/1087201079220002816 https://www.gamespot.com/articles/top-10-uk-games-chart-ace-combat-7-debuts-above-re/1100-6464513/?utm_source=reddit.com I think its safe to assume the franchise is back from the dead. Wonder what the numbers are for NA though.
  2. I wish they had the old bore sight targeting mechanic, I've had some trouble with the game selecting everything but the target that is directly in front of me.
  3. The music is excellent imo, I haven't heard a track I didn't like. Particularly the BGM for mission 11, the themes for the ace duels against Mihaly, and the BGM for the last arsenal bird encounter are all stand outs. The story has pacing issues for sure (could have used at least 2-3 more missions just to make the transition between legitimate pilot, to convict, then back to legitimate pilot a lot less abrupt, while the princess definitely could have done with more speeches or cutscenes to flesh her out), but I thought the dialogue was written to be way more natural than 6 or 5, and the wingmen were nowhere near as obnoxious as Shamrock or Nagase/Grimm. This game has got got passion project written all over it. The fact that they made an arcadey jet action game (that doesn't handhold the player to oblivion) in this current generation of videogames is near miraculous.
  4. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/25989/intel-report-confirms-china-developing-stealthy-regional-bomber-in-addition-to-strategic-bomber?fbclid=IwAR16X1KWfZUUBsLE4B-uHcm9Ih78YD-Jr5s53z1Xpf713k6i66xm2HqPwkI Looks like the Chinese are having a go at making a strike bomber in addition to their H-20 bomber.
  5. http://www.encycstra.net/8212018---reconstruction-usea.html An english translation of the new "Our Science" magazine uploaded to the AC7 website. https://ace7.acecombat.jp/clm/
  6. 23 hours and 10 minutes left for me.
  7. https://twitter.com/dororo_anime/status/1059414117872615424 A neat look at what goes into the background art for Dororo.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdu2RgL0tNw Keiki Kobayashi has done a real bang up job on the OST. I love the main theme already.
  9. Second episode of Dororo down. So far so good. Gorgeous backgrounds courtesy of Studio Pablo, likeable main characters, a catchy OP and ED, and some nicely detailed fight sequences. I think I'll stick with this show.
  10. Watched Dororo's first episode today. It seems pretty cool, never read the original manga or the older anime so I'm going in fresh.
  11. Preordering any PS4 edition gets you AC5, preordering any Xbone edition gets you AC6.
  12. Can't believe its only 5 days away. It feels like a decade since 7 was announced back in 2015.
  13. https://twitter.com/Saab/status/1083381484071866368 Its not everyday a major aerospace company advertises their newest fighter jet through a videogame.
  14. I think I've seen some Hidetaka Tenjin paintings of VF-0's equipped with a similar stealth ordnance container too.
  15. From what some people on reddit are saying, apparently its just the TL team taking some liberties with the script. The original japanese dub just says that "the drone gets to pull as many G's as it likes".
  16. "Shanahan reportedly called the F-35 stealth fighter "f---ed up,' saying that Lockheed Martin "doesn't know how to run a program.""'If it had gone to Boeing, it would be done much better,'" a former official recalled Shanahan saying, Politico reported." Ha, with the X-32 being what it was? I would bet fair money it would've been even WORSE.
  17. Although, that line about the Eagle pulling "30 g's" seems pretty weird. I would think that Katabuchi or Kono would know enough about airplanes to know how ridiculous that number is. Is it just an error on the part of the translators?
  18. Man, that opening shot with Mead standing in the desert with her arm outstretched while the acoustic guitar twangs in the background is really reminding me of something. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2XCq_1UNyY
  19. The English dub has been posted as well. I gotta say, the voice acting seems like a step up from the past games. Project Aces uploaded the opening cinematic for AC7.
  20. Nice painting!
  21. Found the Sento Yosei Shoujo Tasukete! Mave-chan OVA in my local japanese bookstore, purchased it just for curiosities sake. It was okay, the character designs were pretty nice to look at, and there was something nostalgic about that early 2000's digital anime look.
  22. The VR page for the AC7 official website got updated. Mission 3 will be a straight up aerial dogfight, and the fourth flyable aircraft will be the A-10. https://ace7.acecombat.jp/vr/
  23. I wonder how they're gonna integrate a Tomcat into the plot. Does Maverick hijack one from the Iranians?
  24. https://www.hollywoodpipeline.com/2018/12/15/tom-cruise-and-miles-teller-filming-top-gun-maverick/ Tomcat is back.
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