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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/cranfield-unveils-highest-profile-waam-parts-to-date-for-bae-systems-and-thales-alenia-space-150215/ Additive manufacturing of aircraft parts takes a step forward.
  2. https://ace7.acecombat.jp/clm/column03.php Character descriptions are up on the official AC7 site.
  3. Part of Boeing and the USAFs research into the "loyal wingmen" concept includes the testing and refinement of autonomous deconfliction/collision avoidance software www.f-16.net/forum/download/file.php?id=23061
  4. The planform is very reminiscent of the old JAST/JSF proposal from McDonnell Douglas.
  5. Things are really heating up over there. Two IAF aircraft downed by Pakistani fighters, one Pakistani fighter reportedly downed by Indian forces. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/south-asia/indian-fighter-jets-intercept-pakistani-planes-in-kashmir
  6. Indian Mirage 2000 fighters conducted air strikes into Pakistani-controlled areas. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/25/world/asia/india-pakistan-kashmir-jets.html
  7. https://theaviationist.com/2019/02/16/the-first-reports-of-how-the-f-35-strutted-its-stuff-in-dogfights-against-aggressors-at-red-flag-are-starting-to-emerge/ Results of Block 3F software equipped F-35's at Red Flag are coming in.
  8. New F-16 variant from Lockheed Martin. Comes with a retractable in flight refueling probe (along with conformal tanks) and a large area display. https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/f-21.html
  9. To give them credit, they really did push that PG-13 rating as far as they could.
  10. And maybe even with appropriate visuals and SFX instead of the rather puny "ratatata" stock machinegun sound effects from the OG Top Gun.
  11. Yeah, just look at the Fand II. The AI in charge of aircraft design went a bit nuts with the control surfaces.
  12. More Top Gun news! http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/26505/an-f-14-tomcat-has-returned-to-the-deck-of-an-operational-carrier-for-top-gun-2-production
  13. IIRC the Banshees in Yukikaze had a nuclear reactor powering it.
  14. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-norfolk-47137790 The end is in sight for Panavia Tornados in RAF service.
  15. https://twitter.com/kotobukiya_p/status/1094393239375831040 https://twitter.com/kotobukiya_p/status/1094393147231109120 Two new AC releases from Kotobukiya. The ADF-11 Raven and X-02S Strike Wyvern.
  16. Teaser trailer for the season pass content. Seems...interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C2GM1InwNc
  17. http://www.defense-aerospace.com/article-view/feature/199630/airbus%2C-dassault-jointly-awarded-two_year-scaf-%C2%A7-fcas-architecture-study.html France and Germany are moving on their Next Generation Weapon System program.
  18. Agreed, I don't really read/watch "professional" reviewers as much as I used to.
  19. Asuka's battle theme is pretty kickass as well.
  20. This is some Basara-tier piloting. https://twitter.com/AtwerkingYoshi/status/1090732215728832513
  21. https://theaviationist.com/2019/01/29/u-s-navys-last-operational-f-a-18c-hornet-to-be-retired-on-feb-1-2019/ Say goodbye to those old Bugs.
  22. https://twitter.com/CourtneySweeden/status/1090256196286775296
  23. I hope you've remembered to go dance with the angels, mister!
  24. Picked up Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka and its hilarious. Its a magical girl show that got blended into Rambo, complete with a grizzled war vet main character who is reluctantly dragged out of retirement, a fantasyland NATO and an American magical girl whose codename is a reference to the Invasion of Panama. Just the kind of shlocky entertainment I like.
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