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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. As far as I know, as of now the F-35's internal bay racks aren't capable of accepting Sidewinders. When an F-35 is equipped with an AIM-9, its on an external hardpoint.
  2. Pretty interesting. I agree that a Macross 7 sequel would be cool, especially if Kawamori brings his A game this time.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDWTjEKucrI New Ghost Recon game announced. I hope they try to stop the Ubisoftisms and try to stay more to the roots of the franchise.
  4. There is a DARPA program called PCAS (Persistent Close Air Support) that was supposed to use an optionally manned A-10, but I believe they dropped that idea and just stuck to normal, human controlled aircraft.
  5. New weapon rack being developed for the F-35 that'll allow it to carry x3 AIM-120 per weapons bay instead of the current 2. https://seapowermagazine.org/lockheed-develops-rack-to-make-f-35a-c-a-six-shooter/
  6. No VF-0A or Sv.51? Seems like Zero aint all that popular over in Japan.
  7. The US Air Force has issued an RFI for new-build F-5 parts after failing to source surplus parts for the ROCAF F-5 fleet. https://www.janes.com/article/88184/us-seeks-to-restart-parts-manufacture-for-taiwan-f-5s
  8. Who is this movie even made for?
  9. Definitely beats out a pink flamingo or some gnomes in terms of lawn ornamentation.
  10. Neat seeing how the TLS evolved from a gigantic externally mounted pod to a tiny little thing carried internally.
  11. http://flash.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/Last-Northrup-N9M-Crashes-in-Chino-232694-1.html Last flying Northrop N9M crashed, killing its pilot. Apparently it crashed into a prison recreation yard shortly after take off from Chino airport.
  12. I actually found the interview I was thinking about, lost in my maze of bookmarks. https://karice.wordpress.com/2016/08/14/p518/#more-11821 "However, when it comes to a new Macross series, the first thing we have to decide upon is how to resolve the major conflict through music. Each time, I ask the producers if we can leave out the element of singing (chuckles). But the answer is always “No way!” (chuckles). I also ask if I can drop the triangle, and similarly, I get a “Nope, can’t do that either!” (chuckles)." "Honestly, if I could only drop one of them, everything would be so much easier. But with regards to Macross F, the order I received was to “Make it like the original.”
  13. I also remember reading an interview where Kawamori said he tried to do a Macross with some of those elements removed, but the producers insisted on keeping them in.
  14. https://twitter.com/thejackbeyer/status/1117066129577369602 First flight of the Stratolaunch.
  15. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-47876128 They've found bits of the vertical stabilizers, no sign of the pilot yet.
  16. Ikuto Yamashita is one of my favorite mecha designers. He worked on Evangelion as well. I'd love to track down his Yukikaze artbook someday.
  17. Kubo character designs? Now that's a surprise.
  18. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10047724 Bandai is doing a rerelease of their old 1/100 Falken kit.
  19. I'm guessing Top Gun 2 probably put the kibosh on that. Hollywood execs probably wouldn't want to release two Tom Cruise movies about fighter jets at the same time, and Top Gun just has a larger pop culture presence in general. Bit of a shame, though.
  20. Kouya no Kotobuki Hikotai is quite enjoyable. Sorta reminiscent of Crimson Skies in that it follows a squad of mercenary pilots doing various odd jobs across a fragmented world of city-states. Excellent audio design and dogfight choreography too, although CG character animation is still pretty janky looking, especially during emotional moments like arguments between characters. The CG during those moments just can't be as naturally expressive as competent 2D animation, and it comes off as slightly stiff. Its not the worst I've seen though.
  21. Wow, I'm quite certain there are Youtube parodies with better production values and acting. That looks awful, and not the fun kind of awful like the first Doom movie with The Rock.
  22. Current design paradigm seems to be distributed system of systems. Drones will be tailor made for specific roles while multirole manned aircraft direct those drones to act as eyes and ears and missile slingers. Will probably still require tight cybersecurity, but it seems like the only way out of rising costs associated with manned aircraft development.
  23. Gun Gale Online is the only SAO property I can stand. The author (Keichi Sigsawa) also wrote Kino no Tabi, which is quite good.
  24. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/26825/air-forces-secretive-xq-58a-valkyrie-experimental-combat-drone-emerges-after-first-flight "This joint effort falls within the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Low Cost Attritable Aircraft Technology (LCAAT) portfolio, which has the objective to break the escalating cost trajectory of tactically relevant aircraft. The objectives of the LCAAT initiative include designing and building UAS faster by developing better design tools, and maturing and leveraging commercial manufacturing processes to reduce build time and cost."
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