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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. https://imgur.com/a/6scAGXP A twitter user by the name of Dantofu created this guide for texture mods. So far, the only moddable elements of the game are skins, the in game character portraits, and text as seen in the squadron intros before certain missions.
  2. I wonder how "hands on" Kawamori actually is in regards to the episode-by-episode workings of a TV anime.
  3. I don't see Macross turning into another Gundam yet, since its still primarily under the stewardship of Kawamori.
  4. I'd definitely back that.
  5. Not Barnes and Noble, I'm talking about a local franchise called Sakura Media.
  6. Yeah, it would bring some much needed diversity to my local anime/manga store. Most of its stock of models are Gundams, with the occasional Full Metal Panic model to break it up. That, and a tonne of Kantai Collection figures back from when it was still wildly popular.
  7. https://twitter.com/munkeatlooi/status/1130940718858604546 Well, would you look at that.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zbi8FrtczA Here's a neat breakdown of the air show demonstration manoeuvres shown in the earlier cockpit cam video, narrated by the pilot himself.
  9. You'd be correct, there is no traditional reflector sight HUD in the F-35. Its all in the helmet mounted display. https://www.rockwellcollins.com/Products-and-Services/Defense/Avionics/Displays-and-Controls/Helmet-Mounted-Displays/F-35-Gen-III-Helmet-Mounted-Display-System.aspx
  10. https://twitter.com/PegasusSSK/status/1135273827540316160 "[#EUIPO] First big win for producer #BigWest, who is allowed to drop the #Macross mark in the United Kingdom. #HarmonyGold dismissed ALL grounds for opposition, as unable to justify them. The beginning of the end, I hope so." https://trademarks.ipo.gov.uk/ipo-tmcase/page/Results/1/UK00003235006 Looks like HG is no longer able to use anything related to Macross in the UK.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF7FSDpFYSs Cockpit cam footage released by the F-35 Demo team.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE9EHQEowes Another year, another Call of Duty.
  13. Quite excited for this, Kojima always brings something interesting to the table, even if it doesn't always pan out.
  14. I see, thanks for the clarification. Checked the Tomcat in game again, and it does appear to have the correct control surface animations, where the spoilers are only used during low speed manoeuvres, and only the tailplanes are used at high speeds, so it appears they got that right.
  15. The Tomcat model in 7 is the F-14D, so no glove vanes. That said, could you elaborate on how 7 gets the primary roll controls and nozzle movements wrong? I'm not much of an expert on the Tomcat.
  16. There is one shot, in the first cinematic where Avril is flying her F-104C where they portray vapour cones forming, but it never shows up in-game.
  17. Your airplane detaching drop tanks at the start of some missions was a nice touch too, and I'm still baffled why Project Aces seems to have forgotten about the existence of vapour cones after the PS2 era games.
  18. https://twitter.com/Nassault/status/1132506116900904960 I never even noticed that AC5 had animated wing flex.
  19. Some neat usage of live flight data used in advertising for British Airways. https://twitter.com/mathew1tbooth/status/1131534179362070530
  20. I'm glad they buffed the TLS now. It feels somewhat usable instead of the glorified flashlight it was on release.
  21. https://twitter.com/ShuzilowHA/status/1128525368569110528 I've been hearing some good things about Bean Bandit, now that the rough cut has been shown at AnimeCentral.
  22. John wrecking goons with the semi-auto shotgun was some of the most impressive gunhandling in a Hollywood movie I've seen in a while. Seeing him shuck fresh shells into the tube 2 at time with lightning speed was exhilarating.
  23. https://twitter.com/TheWoracle/status/1128320207280332800 Boeing unveils compound Advanced AH-64 concept.
  24. Slightly disappointing, I'd love to see them expand on some of the infantry and armor of the NUNS sometime. Makes sense, those EX-Gear rifles dealt with the Macross Galaxy cybernetically enhanced spies and Vajra decently enough, if I remember correctly.
  25. Is there any clarification in background materials on small arms in the Macross universe? From what I've seen, despite the massive advances in tech, actual firearm tech doesn't seem to have progressed much. Mirage is still using a Walther PPK in 2067, surely they'd have found a better way to design a small handgun by then.
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