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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. Its been an issue for as long as anime as we know it has existed. Anime is an industry that grew on being the cheap alternative to live action.
  2. https://twitter.com/kyleflemm82/status/1145393119082557440 What would a Top Gun sequel be if it didn't have Maverick buzzing the control tower?
  3. Interesting looking FPS called Boundary released a teaser trailer last week that looks pretty cool. All about zero-G combat in Earth orbit, sort of like an updated Shattered Horizon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4qMsE8ZaQ8
  4. I think a competent director/writer could definitely make modern air combat interesting without necessarily remaking WW2 dogfights but with Hornets and Flankers. In the context of Top Gun 2, maybe add a brief sequence where Maverick outlines a simplified concept of BVR and WVR combat so the audience gets the idea. Then, when we finally get to the shooty parts, a tense cat and mouse situation between two forces where both sides are trying to get a lock on the other without revealing themselves, then contrive a situation that necessitates a close up look on the bad guys. Give the movie just enough "reality" to make the Hollywood exaggeration seem plausible. Of course, its a fine line to walk.
  5. Honestly, I sort of want Hollywood to focus on things that aren't WW2. Its a big, important war, but there's been so many other interesting conflicts and events in the 20th century alone that constantly focusing on that single war is pretty boring. I agree with you on hoping for the new Top Gun being able to take advantage of both physical, on-location filming and contemporary CG FX to deliver more varied ACM sequences than the first one.
  6. I hope it does well and kickstarts a new surge in interest for combat aviation-centric fiction. Maybe once Tatsunoko and BW finally wrestles Macross away from HG in America we'll get a proper Hollywood adaptation. Seeing the VF-1 on the big screen would be a treat.
  7. Check out the Focke-Wulf FW 860. It was a Cold War concept for a convertible tail sitter VTOL fighter jet where the nose section (including the cockpit) of the fuselage hinged down during take offs and landings. Its probably the closest anyone will get to a real life variable fighter.
  8. Apparently the AIM-260 is not air breathing and has a similar form factor to the AIM-120. https://twitter.com/TheDEWLine/status/1141808272112009216
  9. The article mentioned that it has different capabilities onboard to go after next generation threats, which is pretty vague, but understandably so. If its going to be the next air to air missile for the US, I'd assume they've taken opposing stealth aircraft into account.
  10. AIM-120 AMRAAM replacement is in the works. Its called the AIM-260 JATM, slated for IOC in 2022. http://www.airforcemag.com/Features/Pages/2019/June%202019/Air-Force-Developing-AMRAAM-Replacement-to-Counter-China.aspx
  11. I'm afraid that any western adaptation of Macross would mess up the beautiful mecha designs. Imagine the execs hiring some el cheapo hack off of artstation to make a generic looking "tacticool" destroid or VF, nightmare fuel.
  12. Looks like a Raptor that someone accidentally sat on. That describes a lot of 5th/6th gen designs though, there are only so many ways to make an LO shaped aircraft that can also go fast and turn good.
  13. I think Hollywood might be more willing to forge ahead with anime adaptations now that comic book flicks are losing their novelty. The Marvel universe is finally starting to lose a bit of its steam, and the DC universe was basically stillborn from incompetence. When it comes to Hollywood, the suits will always prefer adapting an existing property rather than trying to make something new and original, and a lot of the younger generation (teens and adults in their 20's) are much more familiar with anime/manga than older people. What Hollywood needs to make a successful anime adaptation is to get experienced big screen directors, and to get writers who've at least experienced the source material and understands what its about.
  14. The X-2 Shinshin, which was a testbed for technology developed for the F-3.
  15. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/meet-mitsubishi-f-3-japans-6th-generation-fighter-jet-52277 Looks like there's been some progress in Japan's domestic fighter program. No F-22/YF-23 mashup, but they're still looking for foreign partners to offset costs.
  16. Not even Sony Entertainment is dumb enough to start production on a movie that's based on a franchise that is this embroiled in legal issues.
  17. Or at least what remains of the Robotech fanbase, which I imagine isn't much.
  18. https://www.aclighthouse.com/sa-volume127-interview.html Translated interview with Shoji Kawamori on AC7's VR mode, along with the lead mechanical artist Masanori Ninomiya and art director of AC7, Masato Kanno. Mostly pertains to things related to scale models, but it does dip into the background processes Project Aces uses for aircraft modelling.
  19. Episode recaps might've made sense back in the 80's and 90's, but now that we have the ubiquity of the internet to look up the plot so far, they totally seem redundant and are a waste of screen time, IMO.
  20. I remember renting the original Destroy All Humans from Blockbuster way back when, and enjoyed it. Nice to see a remake coming. Reception seems pretty good, so I hope it leads to a new game later on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHMDrhBREXU
  21. A translation of the Japanese MoD's report on the F-35A that unfortunately crashed with the loss of its pilot, as well as the airframe. Credit goes to https://twitter.com/Task_Force23 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GOzw1wshVBf743aFhiADIv5DnDWbOYlTerdoF-mS3eM/edit Original report in Japanese. https://www.mod.go.jp/asdf/news/houdou/H31/20190610.pdf
  22. Keanu Reeves sure seems popular these days, especially in videogames. Payday 2, Fortnite, now CP2077.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReDDgFfWlS4 This is some spectacular level of detail.
  24. https://www.pcgamer.com/us-loot-box-ban-bill-gains-bipartisan-support-in-the-senate/#comment-jump A bipartisan bill to regulate loot boxes is slowly gaining support. Will be interesting to see how videogame publishers will react to this.
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