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Everything posted by AN/ALQ128

  1. I'd also assume with the ISC+EX-Gear, a careless pilot might not be able to feel the huge amounts of stress imparted by some of their more frantic maneuvers. At least with the older, non ISC equipped VF's, a pilot might be dissuaded from treating their airframe like crap because they'd feel it too (although I don't think that stopped pilots like Shin from abusing the hell out of the VF-0, to the constant consternation of the maintenance crew)
  2. Lots of younger anime fans aren't into mecha shows like Macross, unfortunately.
  3. Super Hornets are getting conformal fuel tanks with the upcoming Block 3 upgrade, which should help with range nicely.
  4. Yes, I've heard that one of the strategies F-35 pilots are working on with their colleagues still flying 4th gen aircraft is to basically act as forward spotters, marking out targets and sending the data back to Strike Eagles, Falcons, B-1B's, etc so those aircraft that are capable of carrying a larger array of weaponry can take shots just outside of the enemy's air defence network.
  5. I wouldn't say the stealth load for the F-35 sucks. 5,000lbs of munitions carried internally is nothing to sneeze at, especially when you compare it to something like an F-16 which needs to carry everything (bombs, drop tanks, SNIPER/LANTIRN pods) on external hard points, thus inducing drag penalties and of course, the increase of RCS. Even if the RAM is degraded during a protracted air war, the inherent LO shaping should mean better stealth than legacy airframes, which is always a benefit.
  6. Just a heads up on AC3, if you didn't already know, but the original NA release cut a ton of content from the game. Check out Project NEMO, a fan translation of the original JP release of AC3.
  7. Article says Langley AFB, in Virginia. Right by the Atlantic. Then again, it is one of the Raptor demo team planes, so they probably travel all over the place.
  8. I'm a fan of Chris, myself. Nothing beats tons of DAKKA and missiles!
  9. The judges were pretty critical of the design as well. That said, the requirements for the 2019 contest seem to open up some more avenues for originality.
  10. Stumbled across this contest on Twitter, seems like it could be fun. https://hushkit.net/2019/07/03/aircraft-design-contest-2019-launched/
  11. https://twitter.com/Task_Force23/status/1156235154794397698 Some more details on the model. Lots of options it seems, very nice. There's also a snazzy jacket being released by Alpha Industries (manufacturers of genuine bomber jackets) with Trigger's "Three Strikes" markings on the back.
  12. At least this "territorial incursion" didn't end with the Russians losing an aircraft like the Turkish incident a few years back.
  13. https://twitter.com/markmackinnon/status/1152241649893945346 Not unexpected, but still disappointing.
  14. Yeah, but the carrier take off looked pretty legit. As long as the CGI shots aren't noticeably bad I'll be happy.
  15. Some nutbar has burned down Kyoto Animation's Studio 1, there are multiple people dead and a lot more injured. From the footage, the studio itself looks gutted. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20190718/k10011996791000.html https://twitter.com/ultimatemegax/status/1151678230908276742
  16. First look at the season pass mini campaign. That BGM track sounds like it was ripped straight out of a mecha anime, I'm loving it already. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW_-hiBDBAA
  17. Aside from Cop Craft, I've also picked up "Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru", which is a light hearted look at exercise delivered via some cute anime girls. Its pretty enjoyable, and also decently accurate in its factoids on proper lifting form, protein intake, dieting for muscle gain, etc.
  18. https://twitter.com/kazutoki/status/1149341253860876290 Looks like Kazutoki Kono got to visit BAE Warton. Perhaps we might see the Tempest in the next Ace Combat.
  19. Oh yeah, that looks pretty good. Reminds me of the CG Tintin movie from a couple years back.
  20. Picked up Cop Craft this season. So far so good, urban fantasy buddy cop shenanigans, decently catchy soundtrack, chara designs by Range Murata, based off of an LN series by Shoji Gatoh.
  21. Speaking of Wayforward, River City Girls looks pretty fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40MRASC-Ndw
  22. This has probably been said a thousand times over, but Agrama is such a slimy greaseball. The dude would be rotting in jail if it weren't for a technicality.
  23. Release date for Kotobukiya's 1/144 X-02S Strike Wyvern model is November 2019, and preorders are now open. https://www.kotobukiya.co.jp/labo/labo-178825/
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