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Everything posted by Rein+

  1. and the arcadia stand itself is hard to get and we have very limited choice of what stand we can use.
  2. great, hope i can find it in mandarake soon.
  3. It always show available when you're not login. But it shows to me as sold out when it login to my account. I don't know whether its really sold out or just to prevent user from buying more than 1.
  4. So... for bootster parts the used the same connection as the new super parts. but doesn't this make the connection weaker than the old clamp method?
  5. Release on November.... so fast, well they just print previously available mold with little modification to some parts after all.
  6. Afaik, there's gonna be new gundam movie "Mobile Suit Gundam The Witch From Mercury" How's there a human military base in mercurt idk
  7. Soo beside the different chest and booster mold. The guns also using different connection and missing arms armor (well its now integrated on the valk itself). Appearance wise its the same as arad one.
  8. Aww... feels bad for you. Any chance to fix it with ABS Cement?
  9. So instead of doing the old jobby the h cold touch technique you invent a new cold lick technique. Nice.๐Ÿ˜‚
  10. NO. Only the leg parts can be used on the VF-31. The VF-31AX wing is different and so the wing connection while look the same and using the same mechanism as the old super parts it would be longer to accomodate that new wings. The cannard (don't know what's it called) or the shoulder flaps armor and the chest armor wont fit as well as it would be larger on VF-31 too.
  11. Sadly its seems they doesn't accept order from outside of US? Can't input address outside of US.๐Ÿค”
  12. Its says 2022, where did you order this? never see any pre-order for this item.
  13. So for the plane we need to sand it down and the with the super parts we need to add glue. Way to go bandai๐Ÿ˜’
  14. Scary thing about this hobby is when buying this many at the same time its the same as buying a bike.
  15. Not on my mirage but it is on my chuck. When i fully straigthen the wing the hand trap dor just burst open. Still doesn't know how to fix this sadly
  16. Would you kind enough to post how to disassemble those parts in macross maintenance thread?
  17. Sadly the authority would check your belonging if you start bringing multiple copy of the same item and give you a duty fee at best or fine and jailtime if they deemed you as a smuggler.
  18. Rein+

    Hi-Metal R

    Most of my local store is doing this and post in their website that the release date is the month of the shipping would come to them. They did this to save the shipping cost and to keep the item price low. They mostly got their provit from shipping fee difference and a little mark up, so their final price tend up more or less the same when you ordered it yourself from japan and ship it using airmail.
  19. But isn't this basically a scam? well they did put the full name of the product there. hope there's no unlucky sobs that actually pre-oreder it.
  20. Damn... Luna finally shipped my order after 11 days since i asked them, now i'm worried about my order condition. Welp this is the last time i would order from them. Their pre-order price is actually more or less the same as the release price from anime-export and my local hobby store. are there no local hobby shop that carry MWW item on your country? luckily my local store have VF-0S for about 10500 JPY ๐Ÿ˜ so i ordered 3 from them. God, i love this MWW release.
  21. Same, 2 WWM pre-order and for both of them i order from my local store. The only downside is all my local store always ship their order in bulk via ferry with his other product, so i probably got it months after everyone else. This thing is bad for reviewer of course.
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