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Everything posted by Porcupine

  1. I may have stumbled onto an unknown release. I recently placed an order on amazon for a used copy of the A&E 17-disc Robotech box set in like new condition. I was charged tax confirming the seller was not third party. Amazon seemingly had trouble finding it and took weeks to ship out. When I finally got it, it had been obliterated in shipping and they quickly gave me my money back. I only opened the package days later. The damage to the green box was severe. But more interestingly, the 4 DVD cases have packaging artwork that is slightly different from normal. In particular the spine for Macross is different from the others, so at first I thought someone had swapped out and mixed releases. But upon closer inspection, the packaging is different on all 4 DVD cases. All of them mention both A&E and Lion's Gate, so I'm thinking this might be an abandoned test release from Lion's Gate before they decided to go with the 20-disc set.
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