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Return To Kit Form

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Everything posted by Return To Kit Form

  1. I think from a space and price point tgat is much more acceptable. What's the process to order selective sprues? Good work on the kit so far too Ted, those pictures are fantastic as well, your photographic skills are top notch! Cheers, Brett
  2. Exactly like that! Alhough it looks like the parts breakdown of the nose section will prohibit releasing just those as a stand alone kit. Which sprues are needed for it and is it possible to just order those? I saw prices listed on the instructions. Its a grest looking kit and I am very jealous Ted Cheers, Brett
  3. Unfortunately this is way to big for me. Ironically making it's most attractive feature its biggest drawback. It would be great if they pulled a Wingnut Wings and offered just the cockpit section Cheers, Brett
  4. I'll bet that the weapons dont come with the Max/Millia kit. - Brett
  5. BTW as far as I know no one has been with GST by Australian Border Force. They just don't have the infrastructure to support collection.
  6. Great work as always Cool8or! Cheers, Brett
  7. Thanks Arbit! Zoom away! It couldn't be any worse than the judges at last weekend's model show. And no I didn't pick up and places as there are far too many flaws. I only entered for a laugh. Yep 63mm to the top of the deployed tail fins. Thanks dude! It did take a while. I may do another kit in the future in a similar pattern but different colours. Cheers, Brett
  8. Great work guys! And I am especially loving the 1/48 VF-1s. I can tell you what isn't on my workbench any more...this VF-0B! Finally finished two years after I started it. Rubbish pictures but better ones will have to wait until after I move cities. So glad it is finished so that I can move onto the next shelf queen! Cheers, Brett
  9. 200mm x 185mm x 63mm give or take a couple of mils. - Brett
  10. Welcome aboard Jagimis! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with as you have picked some great kits to start out with. Makenaurenyou checknout WM Cheng's step by step builds (sticky'd in the workbench forum) as they are great resources. Hexworks in 1/72 scale but the techniques are universal. Cheers, Brett
  11. They do keep repopping it though so it must be popular enough. I'd say if we hadn't of had macross delta we would have had more kits in 1/48. By all accounts Hasegawa are a pretty small company so they are probably near max rate of development. - Brett
  12. Neptune models is a member of the boards here. Have you tried contacting them to see if you can get a set of canopy bucks? Cheers, Brett
  13. Wow you did a great job considering the rubbish casting quality! I hope you didn't pay more than $10 for it otherwise you have been ripped off. Is the blue colour a custom scheme? BTW did you know that both Plastic Cretins (Exo on the boards) and I both produce Gnerl kits that haven't been ripped off somebody else's work and are cast super clean? -Brett
  14. While packing for the end of year move I managed to organise my Macross kits for a pic. That is only the unbuilt steyrene kits. I still have a resin kits and others that are in the cabinet or are WIPs.
  15. That kit turned out great even in Primer Ted. Well done!
  16. Yeah I was amazed how much scanning services cost just recently when a bloke I know wanted some work down. There will be a bit of a wait until 3D scanning comes down in the same way that 3d printing has. Perhaps when AR/VR really takes off there will be an uptake as people will want to be able to scan in grandma's ashes into their VR house I can't wait to see what kind of goodies I'll get access to next year as there is some bits and pieces of the job that require 3D scanning... - Brett
  17. Thanks Arbit! I didn't even know that they were on Hobbysearch as we have been dealing directly with the Japanese distributor. -Brett
  18. There will has been and will continue to be a delay with the VE/VT-1 canopy masks due the Kamjin kit being moved up the schedule...and the fact that I don't have a canopy to use for development like I thought I did. Oops. In other news our canopy masks are now available at HLJ woohoo! Cheers, Brett
  19. There is no deadline. Other than the fact we will be shutting down completely over December/January due to and inter city move. - Brett
  20. Kamjin kits are available for order now. AUD $78.00 + shipping Either PM me here or send an email to: returntokitform@gmail.com Cheers, Brett
  21. Agreed. He's a bit short for 1/60 and could arguably be too short for 1/72 unless you care about figures fitting into the vehicles. 138mm at 1/72 scales out at 9.936m and hes just able to fit in the Glaug when the Glaug is sized correctly for 1/72. Damn you anime magic! Damn you to hell! - Brett
  22. For those who were curious, here's a quick size comparison with the hastily cleaned up and assembled Kamujin kit next a 1/60 VF-1A, 1/72 ground crew and a 1/72 Regult Heavy Missile Carrier. Oh and a severed head - Brett
  23. Ignacio is correct! That's the soldier kit tgat we will also be te releasing at some point. I'm in the middle of cleaning up the first casting and eill post some comparison pictures when I have him tacked together. I gave s 1/60 Vf-1 for those curious about how he scales out. - Brett
  24. 13.8 cm at 1/72. Kamjin is s pretty tall dude! - Brett
  25. G'day, just a heads up that we will soon be re releasing the Captains excellent Kamjin figure shown below next to the soldier kit (also in 1/72 scale) Price should be around AUD $75 and will be available in a few weeks. Cheers, Brett
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