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Return To Kit Form

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Everything posted by Return To Kit Form

  1. I can't wait to see what people bring. The comp starts tomorrow so get started! Cheers, Brett
  2. Check out Mig Jiminez's The Weathering Magazine on Pocketmags. They have an issue dedicated to all sorts of water effects including what you are looking for here. - Brett
  3. I'm just going to follow you around beating the drum for these. They need to be made! -Brett
  4. Yeah I won't be rewarding Plamax for their questionable engineering and endless options for items that should have been included.
  5. The comp starts in a little over a week so don't forget to open your threads and post your start pictures! You'll need to include boxes/instructions to show it's not a recast Cheers, Brett
  6. Wow that's the first time I have seen the packaging. They didn't muck around did they! Yeah dude the BITComp is all about building stuff not nitpicking rules. So it's resin and macross so it's in. Mind you if it was just a replacement resin gunpod it would be a different story. But your GBP kit is pretty comprehensive. Cheers, Brett
  7. I remember when this came out. This thread here covers what the thinking was at the time: It looks like they were a pretty esoteric GK outfit going by the kits they released but I don't think they were recasters. I could be wrong though. The other thing I remember is how quickly the kit was pirated. If the rest of their kits were hit that quickly it could explain why they disappeared. Unlike anything else pirated resin kits kills GK operators fast. Oh and as long as it is an original kit it's fine for the comp as it's in the spirit of things. Cheers, Brett
  8. No problem. I just hope everyone can commit to finishing their kits - starting is the easy part! -Brett
  9. Mmm good point. I tell you what, these MW forums are where I got back into the hobby. The whole point is to be inclusive so make a build thread in the Workshop forum and we'll take it from there. If it is okay I'll repost your images on the build page. Sound good? Cheers, Brett
  10. G'day Spicmart. The Moscato pattern 1/72 Glaug will be on their way soon and we will release it in the future. It is much bigger than a 1/72 Valkyrie and the "1/72" Bandai plastis kit. Cheers, Bretr
  11. The good news is that it doesn't start until May and it ends in October so there is plenty of time a few minutes a day or a couplenof hours a week will have that kit finished in no time. Also I have had some enquiries about how to build resin kits so I'll put togethet a couple of things to help out folks who don't know. Here's a cheeky pic of the prizes Cheers, Brett
  12. Sweet! I look forward to seeingnyour album on the page!
  13. I remember that from the Workbench thread. I dont have a copy of that kit so I can't help. Have you tried contacting the kit maker?
  14. I have no idea what they were thinking.
  15. G'day Lads, I just thought that I would share the announcement that we are having our first Build It Competition (BItComp)! All the rules can be found on our Facebook Page as well as on the R2KF Builder's page and I have pasted and copied them here. I hope you guys can jump on board and get some of those kits out of the stash, onto the bench and finished! We are happy to announce our first model competition; the Return 2 Kit Form Build it Competition! Why are we doing this? Well here at R2KF we love to see our stuff built. But unfortunately a lot of people purchase resin kits which are then left to collect dust in the stash while people put off building them until "later" and they just never get around to it. So we thought we would give folks a reason to raid the stash and get cracking. But we aren’t just spruiking our own kits here, there are far too many Macross resin kits that have been lovingly sculpted, molded, cast boxed up and sold that are confined to a cardboard prison of doom. So we are opening the competition to any Macross resin kit! PRIZES! That’s right just to add a little interest we are offering up a couple of prizes: - Best Model: R2KF 1/72 Scale Legult Standard with Pilot - Runner Up: Hasegawa 1/72 VF-31A Kairos However if we get more than 20 completed kits as entries we will replace the Legult kit with a the upcoming 1/72 Norbert Gerard Power Armour kit So gather up your mates, raid the stash and get building! So here are the rules: 1) The competition is open to any RESIN KIT of any scale from any of the MACROSS franchises. 2) The kit must be a first party item. Recasts of any type will not be accepted and furthermore you should give yourself an uppercut for supporting pirates. A photograph of the kit instructions and/or box must be presented for the entry to be valid. 3) If you have a styrene kit you would like to enter we have a separate category for DISPLAY only for which there will be no prizes. But this may change so pay attention 4) The kit must be unstarted or barely started. If you have primer on it then you’ve gone to far but don’t worry you can still enter the DISPLAY category. 5) Enter your kit by creating an album on the R2KF Builder’s Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1579860992075383/) on May 1st 2019 and start posting updates. Final pictures of the completed model must be posted by 12:00 PM October 31st 2019. 6) The judges ruling is final and no argument or negotiation will be entered into. 7) Have Fun! Cheers, Brett
  16. Nice work Sean. Long time no see! Cheers, Brett
  17. They look like the upgraded parts from the super/strike battroid...
  18. Haha Troll But really they have phoned this one in.
  19. Nope no it doesn't. Sure there is a bit of random piping to tart up the wheel well but look at those gear door attachment points! Hasegawa do that on their 1/72 scale kits. And that gear leg is plain as Jane. No aircraft modeler would put up with that lack of detail for the price they are asking.
  20. There was a thread rolling around on the boards here somewhere regarding an all PE VF-1 Skeleton that Hasegawa displayed at one of the trade shows. Someone threw some shade at Jasmine for ripping off the design for the Jasmine 1/72 scale cutaway VF-1. But it turns out that Jasmine designed the Hasegawa display item. Hasegawa decided to not pursue the design so Jasmine released it. It could be that there is some understanding between Jasmine and Hasegawa regarding competing products since Hase sell their own PE. This is all conjecture of course. At one point I considered fronting for an entire run and selling them here but that will have to come later. Cheers, Brett
  21. Update: The 1/48 TV style canopy (part N-8) mask set cutting file is complete as is the 1/72 scale VF-1D. The sets themselves won't be available for a few weeks yet as I juggle things between work which has been busy. I am thinking of doing the VF-4 next but are there any suggestions for what should be next after that? Cheers, Brett
  22. I think I read somewhere that the guy is supposed to be Kowamori...
  23. Erk! How to you delete posts! Cheers, Brett
  24. Damn double post. Cheers, Brett
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