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Return To Kit Form

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Everything posted by Return To Kit Form

  1. Hasegawa need to release those ground crew as a set...
  2. g'day Grunt, the kit measures 245mm (or 9.6 inches in old money) with the gun folded down as in the above photo. I din't have any comparison pictures yet but her are the hips and legs standing on my bench and surrounded by clutter. Cheers, Brett
  3. When Plastic Cretins and Moscato Hobby Models collaborate you know you are in for something very special! Well done John that kit is another master stroke - that looks fantastic and is a very unique subject. We are all very lucky - Cheers, Brett
  4. Well it was more than a few weeks but these are finally available! The 1/72 scale VF-1D masks are AUD$5.50 + flat $3 shipping out side of Australia The 1/48 scale TV style masks are AUD$7.50 + flat $3.00 shipping outside of Aus. Cheers, Brett
  5. Just a heads up that we finally got the kit cast and ready to ship! Kit Price is AUD$390 + Shipping from Australia. Cheers, Brett
  6. Definitely a recast. These have shown up on a South American macross page. Recently.
  7. Looking good Bolt! Ghost + FAST Packs = Cool. Mine went into primer not long after these pics were taken back in 2014 and hasn't progressed since...
  8. Sweet kit you have there! You don't see many of those built Cheers, Brett
  9. Hold your horses Bolt - we have 21 Entries! Wooo! Although in the spirit of things I'd vote for either the Rabbit or the M+ drone Some great stuff has been dragged into the light of day so now you lot have just got to get cutting and sanding by the deadline! Because if there aren't at least 20 completions by October there's no Norbert kit - after all it's called the "Build It Competition", not the "Half Built and Painted Oops it's Gathering Dust - oh Look a Squirrel Competition" Again good work so far but there is loads of work to be done - I'm jealous as I really struggle to build these days. Cheers, Brett
  10. I think that is everybody. Let me know if I missed any. - Brett
  11. Great thread Christpoher! I really should get around to taking some pictured if this. It's kind of a digital camouflage pattern... Cheers, Brett
  12. Good progress Bolt! It is a good idea to use the tray of water for sanding. It makes things easier, cleaner and safer. Yep, including this kit in the comp was a good move. There is tons of work to be done there. Cheers, Brett
  13. Wow very generous Chris! It's on my to do list but so are about a 1000 other things. Hopefully someone will step up Cheers, Brett
  14. Woow nice work dude. What scale are you printing at?
  15. Looking good Bolt. I'm definitely regretting not getting one when I could! Cheers, Brett
  16. Which is ironic because that's all I wanted from the VF-1...
  17. Thanks @Valkyrie ! That clears things up nicely. BTW is the kit still available? Cheers, Brett
  18. True. But if you have the file as a vector I can run it off on the plotter = no complicated masking! Speakimg of blank canvasses here is my Vanquish Racing Gnerl from a few years ago: Cheers, Brett
  19. Have you thought about doing that as a mask rather than printing a decal? - Brett
  20. G'day lads I am hoping that some resin kit experts will be able to help me out here. Put simply are the resin 1/72 M Factory Lancer II kits (sourced through HobbyFan) kits a recast of the @cobywan Studio Kaijin kit? Parts breakdown and documentation make it look like it is the same kit. So did HobbyFan purchase the patterns from Studio Kaijin? Studio Kaijin 1/72 scale SF-3A Lancer II: Model pics sourced from: https://www.lasegundaguerra.com/viewtopic.php?t=13766 M Factory 1/72 scale SF-3A Lancer II: Let me know what you guys think. Cheers, Brett
  21. "He's more machine than man now. Twisted and evil" Haha great selection Ted! You certainly have got tons of work cut out for yourself - good luck!
  22. Ooh I'll be shamelessly stealing your articulation tricks Telering. I've been wanting to do the same so I could post some Instagram pics of "Kevin" the shop Zentran getting up to shenanigans. Don't blame me over the name my daughter came up with it I'm really looking forward to the build dude! - Brett
  23. Great photography Tekering! At this rate to will probably beat me to the finish line - mine is still mostly in primer -Brett
  24. Great entry Bolt! Tekeing 1/72 is the one scale to rule them all...
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