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Return To Kit Form

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Everything posted by Return To Kit Form

  1. That came out nice and clean Christopher B! Also I am canvassing opinions on extending the deadline. The options are: - No extension - 2 week extension -4 week extension. Let me know what you guys think. Cheers, Brett
  2. I'm not sure how you type out a whistling sound - because that is the sound I made when I saw the finished kit. Great work Ted! - Brett
  3. Sorry to hear about the drama Bolt. But I think you'll be okay WRT the deadline. I have put a poll up with some proposed deadline extensions but also the option to not extend it. Unless there are some cruel folks out there only in it for themselves I think we will be able to give you more time. Good luck and stay safe. Brett
  4. That's an impressive list of fioxes and mods you have there Ted. Nicely done! - Brett
  5. MMM A vac formed visor upgrade item is needed I think. I'll need to send them out to customers of course but if that visor isn't usable even after cleaning up and polishing then there is nothing else for it. - Brett
  6. I've thought about this. What if maintenance wasn't done not only because they didn't know how to but also because it couldn't be done and wasn't needed.?We saw how reliable that Zentreadi weapon was in Frontier after centuries of floating around an ancient battlefield. What if the manufacturing techniques involved some sort of advanced methods where drive and power units are sealed and maintnenance free. Perhaps mecha were more likely to be totally destroyed and replaced with stock from the automated factories than break down? - Brett
  7. More first class work and i am pretty sure that is the first timer I have seen a kit reshaped so that a decal would fit! - Brett
  8. ....You we right the first time. It was a personal challenge thrown down Some seriously good work here Ted. Modifying figures is not fot the faint hearted. - Brett
  9. Looks great Ted! Apologies for the void on the torso - I am not sure how that got through QC I agree with everything you mention WRT pilot colours and thanks for a heads up about that scene. I hadn't noticed that one before. Cheers, Brett
  10. Actually the VF-1 fighter series are the most difficult to build of the Hasegawa offerings and some people are put off by the bent leg of the clean skin fighter, so an option that is easier to build but with the same details might sell. I am interested to see what the kit looks like but won't be going out of my way to buy one. -Brett
  11. Great pics Peter thanks for sharing! With regard to preparing a resin kit the key is to just get started. I'd argue it is actually easier on a good resin kit than a Plastic kit as there is often fewer seam lines to clean up. To build confidence start by removing the pour stubs. Don't cheap out and try and use an exacto. You spent a few hundred dollars on that kit so spend a few more and get a Modeling saw and handle. Below are similar to what I use. The rest of what you need you probably already have or can be purchased cheaply. A course file, wet and dry sandpaper and sanding sticks. (BTW always cut and sand wet. It keeps the dust down and the water keeps the cutting surfaces clean and gives a better result.) That will get you started and you can build your confidence. If you like start a new build thread in the work shop section and keep us posted. That way if you have any questions we can chime in. So what are you waiting for? GO START THAT NEW THREAD! Because Mike put a lot of effort into designing, patterning and casting that kit. It deserves to be built. Cheers, Brett
  12. Only 7 weeks to go lads - crack out the airbrushes!
  13. You finished a 1/72 Monster?
  14. Thanks for the heads up! - Brett
  15. Thanks for that. Now I can inventory the patterns - Brett
  16. And Phalanx instructions as well... -Brett
  17. Does anyone have a copy of the Tomahawk instructions? Cheers, Brett
  18. Bugger! All of your pics are gone Mike. Any chance of uploading pics of the built kit again? - Brett
  19. "Ridden hard and put away wet" I'll bet the ground crew aren't impressed with Max after that effort. Look like he just tangles with Millia on board the SDF-1 Nice build of that kit. It looks much better than the Bandai promo pictures. - Brett
  20. Is this Moon Shooters scheme the one from Delta?
  21. Looking good Arbit - you are getting to be quite the expert at this.
  22. Wowsers! Is that the new Smooth-On rubber that they have been advertising lately? - Brett
  23. G'day Gabe. PM me the details of the part. I could probably make a mold next time I am at it and cast the part with left over resin. It's what I did with my missing VF-0B part. Brett
  24. Nice to see some more progress! I recently swapped to black basing myself and like the results so far.
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