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Return To Kit Form

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Everything posted by Return To Kit Form

  1. Thanks @Bolt. We just listed our first batch of 1/72 valks. It will be interesting to see hownthings pan out. - Brett
  2. Well done mate! You know I never noticed thisebtwo blacknsteipes on the side of then pod before. I might have to add them to my build.
  3. Haha thanks mate. Yeah we threw that in as a bit if a joke. Like I said it is pretty rough at the moment but we will fix it up.as we go along. As for what is next? We llnwe have the Tomahawk and Phalanx kits coming and the VE/VT-1 canopy masks as well.
  4. G'day blokes, I just thought I would let you guys know that we have website now: https://www.return2kitform.com/ It is pretty basic for now but as we learn it will grow. Into what I don't know but for now it is hosting our ecommerce site. The shelves are a bit bare as we wait for our first shipment of kits from overseas but will expand over time. As always feedback is welcome! Cheers, Brett
  5. Pretty sure it is this months issue. I can't take credit for the photo as a mate of mine sent it when he saw the build. He's a member of MW but doesn't come here often.
  6. Looks more.likely than you think since your fantastic build ended up in FSM. Hiding light under a bushel Arbit? Congrats man! - Brett
  7. Is there much of a demand for aftermarket decals? The printing firm I use does a great job (Custom Hobby Decals out of Australia) but the print run would have to be at least 2) sheets to make it worth while. - Brett
  8. Considering how much after market decals cost you could always think of it that way. 1800JPY is about AUD$23 which is about right for a decal sheet. Then just get yourself a donor F-14 kit and you are good to go. -Brett
  9. Thanks Dobber. Finishing is a real time sink but it is worth it! -Brett
  10. Man there are so many good builds here. All I have is this poor half painted Norbert in 1/72 scale. I am a bit time poor these days but he is getting there. - Brett
  11. BTW these will be reissued soon. Limited to an20 kit run. The molds are almost ready and the decals arrived the other day. -Brett
  12. I saw these on FB. Great work dude and there just isn't enough kits being posted in here these days.
  13. Ted, If you make the file I can cut it on my plotter. Cheers, Brett
  14. Great job Gatsu! It's nice seeing our stuff built - Brett
  15. Not immovable. I just disagree that any choice is wrong because the source material is so inconsistent. Want to make a drawing? Feel free to make it any size you like. Want to make a physical thing with plauseable consistantancy? Get ready compromise one way or the other.
  16. So it is okay for Bndai to make a 1/90 scale Vf-1 and a 1/97 scale monster? I dont buy it. Any argument about scale with regard to Macross makes no sense and is indefensible. A choice has to be made. I have already explained the grounds for the decision and it sounds reasonable to me. No other choice is more or less accurate because the source material makes no sense and is inconsistent.
  17. There is a reason the OP doesn't have a bust and that is because he missed the Pre Order cut off. John Moscato could have made more but didn't beciase the bust was a motivator to get people to pre order. Recasting for any reason should not even be a consideration and I.am surprised that anyone on MW qould even suggest that course of action. The build will go without a bust unless an MHM purchaser who did make the cut off decides to.sell theirs (which is fair enough).
  18. Thanks mate but but I am still learning too. Blokes like Mike Rinaldi and a lot of the YouTubers put amateurs like me to shame. But practice practice practice and we will get there. Even Mig Jimenez would have made a terrible glue bomb for his first kit! Just don't give up! -Brett
  19. Oh dear not this again... You have 2 choices here: 1) Comply with official stats (which are made up and don't work when you try to fit a pilot in their mecha) and/or how the anime scales out. In which case you are 100% right Quamzin is too small. 2) Pick a size for the Zentran Mecha so that they scale nicely with each other AS A REAL WORLD PHYSICAL ITEM and then make a pilot that will fit inside (which is what John did for the Zentran Soldier and Quamzin). Be very certain that you CANNOT have both and that no one else has gotten close to getting the scale right accross the different mecha. The much vaunted Bandai HMR line of toys is a perfect case in point where they didnt even try to get close. Simples. Cheers, Brett
  20. I have no idea what any of that says - but I am interested! Anyone want to translate?
  21. @wm cheng thanks mate! I'm not surprised you don't recognise the kit. Is a new offering from Moscato Hobby Models new Fate of Tomorrow series. John asked me to do a spec build as a promo for the release of the kit. I'm a bit rusty but I think it turned out okay. - Brett
  22. Wow! Some nice work on here these days - and a blast from the past! WM Cheng and NZEOD back at the bench again. Nice! On this side I am just finishing up a spec build of the recently released Moscato Hobby Models 1/48 scale M-72 Gabriel. I just have to finish the figure (added for scale).
  23. That's why I won't be looking at any references when I build mine. That way I can't be disappointed. I wonder how they managed to stuff it up so badly?
  24. Bolt I have one that I can sell you. I don't need two. - Brett
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