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Return To Kit Form

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Everything posted by Return To Kit Form

  1. Pengbuzz that is some great work with tape their my friend. I think your bananas for even tryingit - but keep up the good work! BTW I decided to dust of this old thing and get it finished:
  2. Cheers Kelsain, it's a custom mix of Tamiya acrylics (quantities in ml): XF-18 = 2.5 XF-80 = 1.25 X-2 = 3.5 XF-8 = 2 XF-3 = 1 Ha ha just tell her to get her own honey smacks
  3. Cool I hope it brings a smike for years to come. Btw I updated the thread title and I'll put all my Legult builds here. Ive already started on the next one!
  4. I have a new found love for these old kits although these days they are not easy to come by. The only sore point for me is the nose which is why I am making a resin replacement available soon for anyone that wants to update their old kit. Nice clean work on the build so far. Are you brush painting this one?
  5. Thanks guys
  6. Thanks Spanner it was a blast building it. Now I just have to get one and build one for myself along with it's brothers. I delayed updating the thread here because I was pressed for time and chose sleep over forum updates, so here is the catch up: After sparaying a test patch I was happy with the colour and it look great under a coat of Tamiya semi gloss clear: So after a quick shot of primer I sprayed the base coat and the grey. Unfortunately something went wrong and the paint lifted when I peeled of the masking tape. This issue repeated itself all over the kit so I had to strip the lot back and start again. It was pretty demoralising but hey you just have to crack on right? In the end I am pretty sure that I missed a step and didn't clean all the mould release off and give the surface a nice tooth with a scrub of cleanser. A couple of days later I was back at this stage: And things were looking pretty good After that it was just a matter adding the decals and putting the time in decolourising and applying a subtle oil paint shading. End result: Unfortunately I didn't have to take and good shots on a clean background but that is okay - I'll just build another
  7. Thanks Guys, haha that Inbit cracks me up No progress this week as I wrap up thing for the kits to go out in the next week or so. Then I'll get some time at the paint booth again...
  8. Grayson that has to be the most complete model collection I have ever seen (and I think you would have to travel pretty far to beat it) Are you building much these days?
  9. Thanks David we try our best Here are some the Legult box labels and the one from the Interceptor:
  10. Haha I see a lot "What I want Hasegawa to do next" rather than What WILL Hasegawa do next." You gotta thinkbang-for-buck profit wise. The VF-1D battroid has merit as I think there would be only a handful of parts to be tooled up for it.
  11. Since they are halfway there I would expect a VF-25 with Armoured Pack
  12. Finally in primer. I picked a few spots that need attention then I can start laying down colour
  13. Ah cool. Is it just me or is the model section a lot quieter than it used to be (as in a few years ago)? That being the case I need an opinion on this paint I mixed up. Too green? I'm two minds about it myself so maybe I should wait until I can spray a test. Actually it looks a lot more blue in person
  14. IS it a bad sign when you are the only one posting in your own thread? Oh well I never was one to get the hint... In the meantime I sorted out these parts for painting. A drill bit, skewers and some scrap MDF will do the job nicely
  15. Thanks Convestuoso, but I think you might have been a bit quick on the trigger... Despite everything I couldn't get the ball joints to work properly. The kit is too tall and too heavy and the joints are just not tight enough. The overall assembly is just too rickety and fidgety. I'll replace all the bits that were permanently modified and built this as a static kit. No new pictures unfortunately as it is just more of the same. Nice! Your kits are sitting in the cupboard right now waiting for me to finish the instructions and for the decals to arrive. He better hurry up as the end of August is not far away
  16. I was hoping to have this in primer by now but since this is being built for a toy collector I thought that I had better add some articulation. Ball joints have been added to the guns, toes, ankles, hips and the thrusters and knees can swivel. For nowhereis a pic of the toe and ankle setup
  17. Lucky for you about 10kg of resin fell into those moulds: Cheers, Brett
  18. G'day plastic hackers and resin bashers! Man am I glad to be back and I thought I would share this commission build for one of the board members. But a quick history on the kit first. About 10 years ago Captain America sculpted his first Tactical pod complete with interior. It was a thing of beaty and blew away the old Imai/Bandai plastic kit which was prett scarce at the time (as well as scaling out at around 1/100 if I remember correctly). With the first run sold out the good Captain went on to produce the rest of the line up with several reissues over time. In late 2015 I negotiated with the Captain to buy a number of Patterns, with the "Legults" being one of them. We have been working on reissuing them this year and are currently waiting on decals before we can ship everything out. The Build: This particular kit is being traded away in a deal to a toy collector as an assembled and painted example ready for display. I have already completed cleanup of the parts so that I could take some imagery for the new instructions I am compiling and tacked it together enough to get some photos. Here is what it looked like when I started today: And here is what is looked like a few minutes later: I'll be going back and fixing up a few blemished and getting it all in primer of the next couple of day so keep your eyes peeled Cheers until next time, Brett T
  19. Awesome work on the Viggen camouflage
  20. Watch this space. We are building up a Regult kit for a toy collector on the boards here and should have some images around the end of August. Cheers, Brett
  21. ...and the RTKF re releases...
  22. We have had a busy couple of weeks prepping the last of the moulds and casting the first batch of kits for the pre order (about 1/3 way through) yesterday I made some time to get some images of the kit parts. It is good to be able to build a library of pics of our own parts rather than rely on the ones provided by the Captain America If anyone is interested PM us here or at returntokitform@gmail.com Cheers, Brett
  23. I don't have that kit but I hope someone else gets back to you soon. Have you built many Bandai VF-1 kits? Do you like them?
  24. I am not sure how it would scale out. I have been asked that question a couple of times so I will have to pick up a 1/60 valk at some point (I don't own any) so we can answer that. But I think it would work pretty well. John was generous with the proportions so it I imagine it wouldn't look too silly especially the Gnerl. I do plan on offering build and painting services but life is a bit busy right now. Each project would have to be negotiated on a case by case basis and my priority right now is producing kits that have been pre ordered. I am a builder at heart and I don't care what or for who so Macross related commisions are right up my alley Those are routinely available via the Starship Modeler Store. Try emailing John Lester to find out if/when they will be restocking.
  25. Hello All, since the admins have re opened registration I thought it would be best to sort out an account. In short my wife and I have started our own little label selling kits - the first of which are patterns acquired from the man himself Captain America. This is something really cool that we are really enjoying and have a lot of great ideas for stuff we want to produce. However for the moment we are offering (all in 1/72): - Regult (both with and without cockpit) - Regult Missile Carrier (Light and Heavy) - Regult Scout - Gnerl (with Pilot) All kits come with printed full colour instructions and decals. We feel quite honoured that John has chosen to sell his exquisite sculptures to us and have been working very hard to make sure that we do them justice. I have attached some images below but if anyone has any questions just fire them off here, or contact us at returntokitform@gmail.com or through our FaceBook page. Regards, Brett and Chrissy (The RTKF Team)
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