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Return To Kit Form

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Everything posted by Return To Kit Form

  1. Thanks MT. I have been offline for a couple of days due to the festivities so here are a couple of images until I can get started on the weathering side of things: - Brett
  2. Merry Christmas everyone! Here she is complete - and now I get to the really exciting bit of weathering! - Brett
  3. Woah cool your jets there fella! Surely the Regult can't be that stimulating... ...but thanks anyway - Brett
  4. There aren't very many of the 1/72 kits that do. In fact I don't think I have seen any images of the Captain's missile kits with the heavy option. I'd love to see it if there are -Brett
  5. Thanks MT! But just wait until I tell my wife you said she has man hands hahaha! Actually no, I don't think I'll do that... - Brett
  6. Yeah I am in for one too. My wife pre ordered one for me as a late Christmas present I'm not fussy - 10 year old me would have had his mind blown and that is good enough! -Brett
  7. Ha ha thanks Spanner, your Regult's Heavier cousin is visiting us for Christmas - Brett
  8. Thanks Xigfrid! Once it is all together I can get started on the weathering etc. I cant wait I got busy yesterday I got busy and didn't paste an update so here is a double helping: And todays: - Brett
  9. That is dome fantastic work dude. Awesome!
  10. Thanks Xigfrid! This one is a display buildup and will go into my cabinet - unless someone makes an offer I can't refuse -Brett
  11. Never mind me. I'll just leave this here... - Brett
  12. Ah the classics. "Jingle bells, Batman Smells, Robin laid and egg!" ha ha Who's getting into the spirit? - Brett
  13. Haha thanks MT. Not that deep though - have you seen some plastic kit prices these days? Great Ceasar's Ghost! Anyway welcome to day 4: - Brett
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