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Return To Kit Form

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Everything posted by Return To Kit Form

  1. I hope not! I think they will struggle to move a model kit (even one this awesome) for $1K. I am keen as mustard for this but I'm not throwing a thousand bucks at it.
  2. Well some are available already! BTW new artwork for the 72 scale version: - Brett
  3. But by Great Ceasar's Ghost is it expensive! A Hasegawa VF-1A/J/S cleanskin is 1600 yen or so. A super thunderbolt is 2800 or there abouts. I mean I will get one, but at those prices i can only afford to get one! -Brett
  4. Is it enamel or acrylic? You could try a bath of isopropyl for a few hours and see how that goes.
  5. I recently managed to get my hands on Mike's repop of the Moscato Hobby Models Glaug in 1/72. I have a had a quick look through the big box o resin that showed up at my house of Friday. There is a heap of parts in this bad boy! I have started clean up already but it might take a while before I am at the painting stage. I thought I might start on the arm cannons first. It's a great kit and a real bargain too if you missed out on the original release. -Brett
  6. I have packets ready so I guess this means that the 1/48 scale VF-1 masking sets are officially in production! These 48 scale sets use double the masking material but are only priced 50% more. Each set is AUD $8.25 incl postage within Australia. International orders need to add a flat AUD$3.00 regardless of how many sets are ordered. Anyone interested can send me a pm here or at returntokitform@gmail.com. Cheers, Brett
  7. How did I mess this topic? That sure sounds like a fail there Hasegawa. Though it is nice to know even the big boys get it wrong occasionally.
  8. FYI I own the patterns for the seated pilot in that link - man who owns which of the Captains patterns can be confusing - Brett
  9. Good news! The files for the 1/48 VF-1A/J/S DTRL Canopy (Part N1) have been finalised and will include inner and outer masks. I just have to print up some labels and get cutting. With some luck these should be hitting the streets in a week or two tops! - Brett
  10. I would be keen to hear about this as well. Most of the places I have heard about charge and enormous amount of money for just a few very small items. - Brett
  11. Tonight I mocked up the pod to the custom Red Gum base. Pretty happy so far. There is still more work to be done on the legs before I move onto all of the EW kit. Although eventually I am going to have to face up to fixing the paint issue on the top of the body - Brett
  12. Do you have moulds? You know that there are people (me) who prefer John's proportions over the Wave kits, who can't get there hands those kits after selling them in a fit of madness (also me)?
  13. Bask in the exquisite workmanship On another note thank god that the wave kits are being reissued. The current scalper prices are redonkulous! - Brett
  14. Teaser. -Brett
  15. Me too and it i s on the list. Just got to knock a few projects out of the way first. Canopy masks, The N-Ger and aome Zentran Infantry are ahead of the Q-Rau. -Brett
  16. Unfortunately no. Mike Salzo picked up both the standing infantry soldier and the officer/Kamjin kit as well as the Glaug. Send him a PM as he normally has a few kits cast up or good molds available. Hus prices are pretty resonable as well. I do have the pilot which is good for both the cockpit Regult and Gnerl which is available if you want one. - Brett
  17. More progress on the 1/48 VF -1 DYRL style masks. These are pretty much finalised except for working out how the fron mask will be packaged (single piece, multi piece, solid, outline etc). But the question remains; do people want mask to be able to paint the internal canopy frames as well? Or just the outside? - Brett
  18. Its a mixed bag on how the masks are designed, at least from what I can see. Some provide just the outline, some the whole canopy but in multiple parts. For F-16 canopies I have seen them as four part (left, right, front and rear) others as single or multiple part outlines. I'll have to modify the above example to be two parts as it was a bit fiddly to handle and had a habit of folding over and lightly sticking itself. The 1/72 version didn't have that problem but looked a bit ugly once applied as the middle creases up. The outline version looks nicer but will be extra work. To me it looks like there is no silver bullet... We sell via the Facebook Store, here eBay (although prices are higher there to try and cover fees etc) but basically any where that have us! At the moment we only have the Gnerl/Regult resin kits for sale but I am beavering away on these masks as well. That said keep your eyes out for another kit to come in the next couple of months. - Brett
  19. Probably doing the same as you - wondering why no one made canopy masks for Macross kits! While I wait for feedback from the samples I sent NZEOD I have started work on the set for the 1/48 VF-1 DYRL Canopy. Which turned out pretty well for what is in effect a first try. Next up to sort out the rear panel, and start on the TV canopy version. Speaking of which at this scale masks for canopy interior might be necessary as well due to the thickness of the plastic and size of the part. What are people thoughts on that? -Brett
  20. Great Lookin Dora Herve! - Brett
  21. Turning your own barrels? That totally next level - right on MT! -Brett
  22. Just getting my files in order. Gives you some idea of what is coming up in the future. - Brett
  23. So many good builds at work here. Derex that Enterprise E is great for the money When I'm not working on the WRC Scout, moulding, casting or tinkering with canopy masks I steal some time to work on these. A Mechacolle Elysium and my RAAF VF-0B. Elysium: I have the VF-0 gunpod up yo this stage: -Brett
  24. More progress. Grubby weathered engines. The story is that a Zentran team resprayed a scout they found in WRC blue but didn't bother with the rest. There Zentran why would they - if it works why fix it! The metallic blue will stay relatively fresh while everything else will be weathered. Enjoy! -Brett
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