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Skull Leader's Lackey

Skull Leader's Lackey (5/15)



  1. Check your instructions. Pretty sure they show to put one side either way so at least on UN SPACEY decal is correct regardless of which mode.
  2. That stubby nose didn't get any better with paint 😵‍💫
  3. That's cool, but I would update the scheme with a hex pattern along the green demarcation line for a little pizazz.
  4. You were there? Damn I am going to have to put a shout out to Macross builders next year for a catch up! No more missed opportunities!
  5. You took the words right out of my mouth!
  6. It's big! So it take a bit of painting with all that surface area
  7. Small and weirdly shaped at the nose compared to the line art. They messed up the Regults as well bu having the pod too small and the thrusters to high up.
  8. Tze is an excellent builder and has been published. I'm hoping his kits will be in the Paint on Plastic Macross book when it comes out.
  9. Thanks mate. She kept me safe and I got out without a scratch. Really lucky considering I crossed and recrossed three lanes of traffic and freeway speeds going backwards.
  10. They have reissued the VF-1D a bunch of times including as The Virgin Road edition. Plus they released (and reissued) a GERWALK kit so I'd say it is popular enough. -BT
  11. A few months ago this old girl joined the garage. Nothing special by U.S standards but only 200 or so made it on the roads down here in Australia and according to the VIN mine is 1 of 7 in this colour combination. I have been driving it Since September and I still haven't seen another one!.
  12. You could always swing by the shop. https://www.return2kitform.com/
  13. Good Evening Folks! We have opened our first pre order for John's kit from back in the day (I am not sure if this ever got a re release after 2007). 10 orders are needed to kick this off ( we have 4 so far) and the kit comes with water slide decals and colour instructions. If we get the number the kits should be ready in late September. Send me a PM (or just comment below) if you are interested Kit Price AUD$200 + Shipping Thanks to John Moscato for letting me use his images 😉 Cheers, Brett
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