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Everything posted by pache182

  1. pache182

    Hi-Metal R

  2. pache182

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone knows if they will go for pre order in hlj.com? i wont buy anything from ny after they rip me off one time
  3. pache182

    Hi-Metal R

    Has anyone saw the micronian pilots that toynami is releasing? they are 1/100, they seem to go well with hmr
  4. pache182

    Hi-Metal R

    Muchas gracias!
  5. pache182

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi Im from Argentina and im new in collecting hmr, damn im so glad that i found this forum. Recently i was able to pre order both 35 aniversary vf and the destroy defender just because i was curious if there was something available in hlj and they were up. Anyone knows when the next pre order or wich one would be? I dont want to miss any pre orders like the ones last year. Thank you!
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