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Everything posted by SpacyAce2012

  1. I have a question for David. You mentioned that Kfirs were on the demo. Are they C2s or C7s? If there are Kfirs in this game, the temptation to buy a 360, to go along with my 60g PS3, will grow by leaps and bounds.
  2. It could be that a superluminal event was just detected from Earth in 1995. An event that has something to do with the upcoming story, without a major retcon of the official timeline (or even some alternate universe crap).
  3. If the new Macross series is going be released on BluRay format, the odds of an English language option are good. I'm sure that Bandai/Big West knows about the level of fandom in the U.S. And they are aware of the fact that most fans will import, anyway. (thanks to HG's making the legal waters muddy). Plus, the U.S. and Japan are in the same region with BluRay. If a private individual orders a disc from a Japanese vendor, for their own private viewing, there isn't a damn thing Harmony Gold U.S.A. can do about it. Bandai/Big West would be crazy not to take advantage of this.
  4. Music is one of the key ingredients of the story. Removing that angle radically changes the plot. If one story element had precedence over the other, I would lean more toward action oriented.
  5. Aw, hell. Three movies were enough. The only redeeming things about T3 were the Glock 18 and naked chick. Other than that, nada. T2 was worth it just for the nuclear attack sequence. Everything else was just "okay". "The Terminator" is an excellent sci-fi classic from the era of so-called "cyberpunk". Well, that's long gone now. Why do they have to ruin it by milking something for all it's worth? Oh, well.
  6. My, aren't we the cheerful one?
  7. Sure. Basara had a high degree of skill. He would have been one hell of an ace. But that wasn't his role. Basara was there to show that firepower doesn't solve everything. Gamlin was there to show that lofty ideals don't solve all the universe's problems. Sometimes trigger pulling is needed.
  8. This is some good news, indeed.
  9. I find any Macross "installment" far more preferable than that dumbed-down bastardization known as Robo(suck)tech. Despite my discriminating tastes, I didn't find M7 to be that bad. I rather enjoyed it, in fact. It was something different. Sure, there were some things I wish were done differently. But the off-the-wall stuff was tolerable (for me) when watching it for the overall story. However, I wouldn't want it to become a recurring theme. It's time to move on and explore new avenues.
  10. Then there is Ace Combat X, set in two small nations on the southern Osean continent in 2020. The journalist Albert Gennet(sp?), who was a character in AC5, was the one telling the story as it happened.
  11. My point is, that sooner or later, I going to have to upgrade. My first PS2, which I've had for years, finally gave up the ghost (and it's been a damn good one) early last month. Fortunately, I had one of the newer compact units, which I received as a gift Christmas before last, stored away as a back-up. But you know the old saying. "Nothing lasts forever". And I have a sneaking suspicion that the PS2 won't enjoy the longevity that the PS1 did, once Sony gets the PS3 on the right track (the issues sorted out).
  12. I'm not particularly excited about it at this point and time. Has to do with the hints/assumptions that this may be a 360 exclusive. While I'll keep my fingers crossed for a PS3 version, I'm not holding my breath. In the name of practicality, I plan on getting the PS3 at some point in the near future. It has to do with the fact that I can't play my huge library of PS2 games on the 360. Being able to play them is nice, considering the cost (hence, slow acquisition) of the new generation games. So, if AC6 is an X-Box 360 exclusive, I'll just have to miss out on this one.
  13. I'm going to have to disagree in part with this. The VF-2SS SAPs were packing a hellacious amount of firepower. Judging from what I see when watching the two series, the SAPs appear to be packing considerable more punch than the Macross Plus prototypes. And the Metal Siren seems to possess far more anti-capital ship capabilities, than any other VF in Macross. And, apparently, without having to resort to reaction weaponry.
  14. Wow. I've been absent for a while and look what I've been missing out on. This is some very good news, indeed! Of course, it'll never be released on DVD in the States, due to a certain company that I shall not mention. For, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, considering that I just had a verbal match (on another forum) over the licensing issues.
  15. If I were Hikaru, with the mindset that I have, I would have gone with Misa, after the first indication (such as Vanessa's big mouth, for example) that Misa was attracted to (or had feelings for) me. I would have dismissed my thoughts of Minmay as nothing more than a horny fanboy crush. And considering the situation, I would have come to the conclusion that I would never get to be with Minmay in a romantic relationship in any case. Nor would I endanger a good thing with Misa, a responsible, caring, and mature woman, by continuing to be obsessed with (or chasing an impossible fantasy regarding) Lynn Minmay. Hikaru and Minmay would have never worked, as a couple, in the long run. I think Hikaru was slowly coming to the realization of that long before the final two episodes. But he still hadn't got Minmay out of his system.
  16. I gave it a four out of five stars. I thought it was a nice little tribute, and farewell, to three of the main characters from the Original Series. The new animation scenes were excellent. "An Angel's Paints" was a pretty good tune, as well. What topped it all off for me were the still images, in the end credits, of Minmany walking off into the light.
  17. While I liked the superb animation of DYRL, I favor the televison series. Just for that "classic" feel and in-depth story.
  18. I would like to see at least one new machine. And maybe an old fave or two.
  19. I didn't re-read the entire thread when I responded to tom64ss. But what the hell, great minds think alike,eh? Besides, it opened the door for speculation (on my part) for the possible quality of U.N. foot soldiers (post SW1). To fight giants, you want to weed out non-hacker canidates who apply to whatever training program that may exist. The result is a group of tough, motivated bastards that will be more effective than the average 20th Century infantryman. And the bulk of their MOS training (in AIT) will be along the lines of what we would consider "unconventional warfare". In other words, the "average" U.N. Forces line infantry trooper will be an "operator", similar to former South African spec ops personnel (who made up the PMC Executive Outcomes) or U.S. Army Rangers. While this may sound unrealistic (a weird term to use in relation to a show about giant robots), it's not. New kinds of warfare require such measures to ensure an effective fighting force. And one branch of the service can't win wars on their own. Combined arms is the way to go. Such measures have a price. One being the cost of training. The other would be a smaller overall force. But their quality, and effectiveness, would be high. If I were in charge of pacifying Zentraedi giants, carrying out an insurgency on some planet in the sticks, these are the kind of troops I would want. Not a large group of scared 19 year old volunteers/conscripts with eight to ten weeks of Basic, and a little extra advanced infantry training in a short AIT course.
  20. I wouldn't say that infantry would be useless. Human sized infantry with decent anti-tank weapons would, in all likelyhood, be a serious threat to Zentraedi foot soldiers in their (standard issue) basic body armor. Anti-material rifles and LAWs to those who like to run around without helments. Then there is the surprise factor with Human sized troops. Human troops engaging Zentraedi footsoldiers are obviously not going to engage in stand up fights. Hit and run/guerilla tactics will be the order of the day. So, it wouldn't surprise me that the U.N. military maintains a smaller, but higher quality, infantry force in the post-Space War era. Highly trained and motivated, with top-notch gear. To combat giants, they would have to be of better quality than the typical grunt of the pre-Fall era.
  21. Okay. Time for a little geekish hypothetical discussion regarding Macross. All hardcore fans know the story. In 1999 A.D., an extraterrestial spacecraft of a military nature crashes on Earth, after causing considerable destruction, ecological upset, and chaos (natural and man-made). After the nature of the aforementioned craft is confirmed, the formation of a One World Government (by strengthening the U.N.) is carried out. A lot of people are unhappy about this. Thus, the U.N. Wars erupt around the globe. No country, it seems, is spared. The wars run their course. But as we know from Macross Zero, anti-U.N. activities by armed groups continues to be a problem after the "official" end of the U.N. Wars. Now for the "What if".............. Launch Day 2009. The parties and official shindigs are going on all around South Ataria Island. And the launch of the SDF-1 Macross goes off without a hitch. No Zent fleet shows up in the Solar System. There is no firing of the Main Cannon. There is no Space War One. Now for the questions. How long would the Earth United Nations Government last in the years afterward? There are still problems with armed groups (as was implied during the original series, in the cover story given to the public). And the whole purpose for a world government was to stand united against alien invasions, without national interests getting in the way. Now, that "bogeyman" didn't materialize in this "what if?" scenario. Let's also say that alien life won't encountered for a long time to come, if ever. Would this experiment in global "unity" last? Or will it be weakened by nations pulling out of the agreement? Maybe crumble altogether? Will public opinion turn against it? Would the Human Race experience more rounds of global warfare, this time fought mostly with Overtechnology enhanced conventional weapon systems and mecha? Another bad scenario: the U.N. Government becomes dictatorial as a result of opposition. The "New World Order" that 20th Century conspiracy theorists feared becomes a reality, backed by OTM weaponry. And a world-wide civil war erupts as a result. Or perhaps the U.N. Government is dissolved altogether, and the nation-states go back to minding their own affairs, for the most part. The U.N. goes back to being simply a "world forum". What are your thoughts on the possible outcomes,folks?
  22. I haven't seen anything in canon that would suggest that Humans can undergo the process. The only people that I know of who can, other than the Zents themselves, are Human/Zentreadi hybrids and the Zolans.
  23. Nope. To me, the VF-0 only looks more modern in Fighter Config. In GERWALK it doesn't. And in Battroid, it looks like a clunker compared to the VF-1.
  24. Well, we do know (from Macross Plus) that the good 'ol Humvee is still in use by the U.N. Military. And the they still see the value of mounting HMGs on them.
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