If you feel that strongly about a 20 year old cartoon series, I might suggest you look into something called a "life." SHut the computer down and go outside, it's pretty cool. There's this thing called a "sun"...
No duh,smart ass.
I was, for the most part, being humorous.
And yes, I hate Robosuck. I hate Harmony Ghoul's attitude and the "elitist" snobbery of the various fans of the show I have encountered over the years. Especially,when they find out that I am a Macross "purist".
Their "elitist" attitude is even more of a mystery considering it's over a "dumbed-down", "kiddie cartoon" and not the Ultimate,Uber-Science Fiction Saga they make it out to be. Therfore,it is not a simple matter of "feeling strongly over a twenty year old cartoon."
Macross,on the other hand, is a true "Space Opera" of a sort.
And since when is having a strong opinion on a subject a sign of "not having a life?" Explain that one to me, O All Wise One.
I DO have a life, amigo. Just thought I'd share that with you,since you like to make assumptions based on limited info.
As my old philosophy instructor used to be fond of saying: "Assume Nothing."