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Everything posted by SpacyAce2012

  1. If you feel that strongly about a 20 year old cartoon series, I might suggest you look into something called a "life." SHut the computer down and go outside, it's pretty cool. There's this thing called a "sun"... 333986[/snapback] No duh,smart ass. I was, for the most part, being humorous. And yes, I hate Robosuck. I hate Harmony Ghoul's attitude and the "elitist" snobbery of the various fans of the show I have encountered over the years. Especially,when they find out that I am a Macross "purist". Their "elitist" attitude is even more of a mystery considering it's over a "dumbed-down", "kiddie cartoon" and not the Ultimate,Uber-Science Fiction Saga they make it out to be. Therfore,it is not a simple matter of "feeling strongly over a twenty year old cartoon." Macross,on the other hand, is a true "Space Opera" of a sort. And since when is having a strong opinion on a subject a sign of "not having a life?" Explain that one to me, O All Wise One. I DO have a life, amigo. Just thought I'd share that with you,since you like to make assumptions based on limited info. As my old philosophy instructor used to be fond of saying: "Assume Nothing."
  2. Why? If the Robosuck fansies didn't show up once and a while,who would we vent our hatred of all things Robosuck to? Having THEM around just makes things more interesting!
  3. And she's not fluorescent pink. 333729[/snapback] "Eeryone's pink on the inside." But wow, that is a huge stretch, I don't see Misa at all there, and when you combine that design with the robotech voice actress.... what the hell were they thinking? 333775[/snapback] I think that the Robosuck voice actress( I can't remember her name) would fit the new Lisa Hayes to a tee,considering how mature she sounds(voice-wise). However,the voice didn't fit the original too well.
  4. I don't know if there is any hard info on the squadrons that these "mystery" Valkyries belonged to(except maybe in some Japanese source material). They may have been nothing more than "backdrops" to flesh out the scenes. As for the Alaska Base VFs, I don't think there is anything secret about them. The U.N. Armed Forces were in the process of replacing their F203 Dragon IIs with VF-1 Valkyries prior to the start of Space War I. Even if there weren't many in service Eathside at this point,it would make perfect sense to station a few of your newest toys to guard your main H.Q. Especially considering that they had shitload of multi-mile long alien warships in the Solar System.
  5. I used to be a hard core dub man. My philosophy was "If I wanted to read,I wouldn't be watching a video." Over time, subtitled vids grew on me. I also learned how crappy dubs REALLY were.The subs actually made more sense to me. In recent years,there have been some fairly good dubs hitting the market. So I wouldn't object too much to a Macross TV dub. On one condition that is..... That none of Harmony Ghoul's Robosuck voice actors work on the project!
  6. Thanks for posting these links. The AMVs here are pretty damn good! "Information High" has to be my favorite track from Macross Plus. The only problem: They are soooooo slow about downloading.
  7. Thanks. I'll go online and check them out.
  8. You and me both. When I had to go to moms house, which my grandmother was there to, I told my son to pick up his manga and my mother asked what manga was so I showed her. Her responce was I dont like that and I dont want it in my house. So being the smart arse I am I turned to her and said, "Ok no problem, Im sorry mom Im not into doing stained glass as you and I guess you rather me spend money that I set aside for me and my family on drugs and other things?? Ok eveyone pack up, electricty or not we are going home! (with the deletion of a few choice and colorful words)" Talk about someone saying they are sorry real fast. Honestly all I can say is that Anime and Manga is something that my whole family enjoys, hell we rather sit down and watch anime than some of those shows they show on TV. I am starting to think that Anime has atleast a better grip on reality than some of those "reality shows." 327563[/snapback] I am in total agreement with you on that. The quality of television programming in this day and age generally sucks.
  9. I'm 32 years old and still indulge in the hobbies I enjoyed since my teen years,in addition to my so-called "adult" hobbies(ie:firearms and firearm related sports).Those "teen" hobbies are Classic Battletech Wargaming and Anime(particulary Macross). People do ask questions like "aren't you a little old for that?" or "isn't that kind of stuff for kids?" So I understand how some fans feel when comments/questions like these come up. I know older fans who,in the face of such sentiment, decide that they can enjoy their anime,but only "on the sly".It becomes a "guilty pleasure",like Star Trek or porno.Imagine their suprise when they find out that there are plenty of older folks who continue to openly enjoy their anime, and don't give a crap what others think.Like me. Watching anime IS NOT immature.
  10. Well ,I just might have to give the Hasegawa kits a try. Can anyone recommend a good,reputable online company I can order them from?
  11. Hello! I'm new to the forum and this is my first topic posted. I haven't assembled any Macross kits in several years. However,I have a renewed interest is starting back up again. The only kits I have much experience with are those that were put out by Arii. So I posted this to get some recommendations on any other good lines/companies I should try out.
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