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Everything posted by GGemini

  1. oops, that's "disc 3 in the DYRL boxset"
  2. I can picture the Bandai Visual executives saying: "ooook... we STILL don't know when the new series is going to come out SO let's keep the 25th anniversay brand in the public's mind until FEBRUARY 2008... ... THEN we release the whole thing again on Blu-Ray!!!" Anyway, apparently disc 3 in the box set with include the TV ads, the movies from the Sega Saturn game and "news reports". I like that they're including the video-game footage in these releases (even M3 in the Macross 7 box set) but I would have preferred an updated Future Chronicle
  3. Hi, yes it's the TV ads I'll try to post a screen capture soon
  4. GREAT wallpaper, thank you very much 4 sharing
  5. aaaand, Megumi Nakajima's "media" section is open... with this text: MAGAZINE 09/10(月)『Newtype』 I really hope it's a decent review of the concert and trailer... and not an article that is posted in the last pages of the magazine with a tiny image that everybody has already seen elsewhere
  6. There are 2 updates on the Official website, one looks like a report of the concert and another one related to Macross F... still NO VIDEO
  7. I haven't found any pre-orders in the usual places so far
  8. The fourth disc includes: - the previews for the following episodes that appeared at the end of each LD - the TV clips (including the one with Basara and Mylene watching Sharon) - all the movies from the PS2 game (!) - Macross: A Future Chronicle (not updated, sadly) - the trailers for the Movie Edition - an interesting video of SK in CA, doing research at an airbase - an interview with SK I must say that the best thing of this set is the Movie Edition... it finally looks decent (better than all the previous releases, US an Japanese ones)... does someone know if there is a subtitle file available anywhere?
  9. Thanks for update! I hope the "pilot film" mentioned in ANN will appear soon in the 'net
  10. Let's think for a moment that Mr. SK wants this series to follow the release dates of the previous ones... that'd mean we're looking for an October release date. Macross - release date: October 3rd, 1982 Macross 7 - release date: October 16th, 1994 Macross 25th - release date: ??? Actually, one of the first times I remember seeing images of Macross 7 was in the October 1994 issue of Newtype ... hmm....
  11. the Yamato site has a new "chronology page" (or "All catalog" as they call it), detailing all their releases since the YF-19 in 2000. The interesting part is that the website mentions something about the concert on the 18th... I wonder if they have the license for all the new Macross series' toys You can find the page here: http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/cont_023/index.html
  12. Finally some Macross 25 news! I've just bought the NewType where that scan was taken from... quite interesting, it also has the story of Macross, an article on the concert and some images from the Evangelion Movies. The 'Elf" looks like Elma...
  13. The opening of the Macross Plus PS game will be included! And an updated version of Macross; A Future chronicle would be a nice touch Something is mentioned about the Movie Edition... is it included in this set as well? I always wondered if Macross Plus Movie Edition was released in 16:9 format in theaters... both the Japanese and US versions of the DVD are full screen and the image quality is not so good...
  14. I hope that, if a Macross movie is ever made, they'd respect Kawamori's transformation procedure for the Valkyries and not go with the Transformers movie effect... have you seen the trailer? In Transformers, parts start to move, then you can't tell what's happening and poof, a "robot" appears. I guess those kinds of transformations save a lot of trouble for the guys at ILM, but for me that's cheating...
  15. I agree with you on that. I was actually happpy when I found out that Yamato's first YF-19, YF-21 and VF-11 were going to be in 1/72 scale... and then the 1/60 VF-1's were released... and then...
  16. And maybe re-issues of the Mac7 Valks? oh, that's been done. How about NEW Mac7valks?
  17. Hello! It's strange that no one has posted something here yet, but the Official Site has been updated with some news that, according to my limited Japanese, is interesting: Apparently there is going to be a broadcast of... MACROSS 7 (!!!). Is it the movie? the re-run of the TV series?? WHY Macross 7??? In my ideal world: Since Macross Zero ended, Mr. Kawamori would have been secretly working in Macross 7 and, in a flash of Lucas-ism, decided to re-edit the series (hey, even Anno is "rebuilding" Evangelion)... making it shorter (36 eps), including footage from The Galaxy Is Calling Me and some of the "Macross 7 plus" segments from the LDs / DVDs... and using Fire Bomber's bigger musical library (so that we not only hear Planet Dance every single time that Basara sings). He would also realize that piloting a VF-19 with a guitar-shaped stick is too much so he would edit that as well. Since Bandai would be a sponsor again (I imagine they still have the rights), the toy division would notice how Yamato's valks sell and they would decide to release a full series like their Gundam HCM Pro... in smaller scale but detailed, fully transformable without removable parts. We would finally have a VF-22, VF-17 and the best thing: same scale for everything. That way even whole playsets could be released... And Bandai-Namco would release the first of the Macross PS3 games... And all of this in preparation of the NEW series... ~ end of dream ~ I hope someone can translate the news in the Official Site
  18. Thanks a lot! Just a question... how can I use the new VF-1J (Max & Millia)? I can only choose the gray one....
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