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Everything posted by GGemini

  1. GGemini

    Hi-Metal R

    Apparently something will be announced on the 29th... http://twme.jp/tns/01h2
  2. Great news! If I remember correctly, for Frontier the auditions started in March 2007, in August same year they announced Megumi as Ranka's voice and they showed some clips. Then in December the first ep. and in April 2008 the start of the series. As skullmilitia mentioned, I guess 2016 will be when Delta will start.
  3. Were you able to check out the movies? How are the English subtitles? I just got my box but won't be able to see the movies until tomorrow
  4. Full Metal Panic! http://fullmetalpanic.wikia.com/wiki/ARX-8_Laevatein
  5. Great news! I hope it's not a reboot. Anyone remember how long it took from the announcement of Frontier until the actual air date of the 1st ep?
  6. Nice custom!!
  7. CD Japan: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BBBA-9360
  8. Just got mine from NY. Will try to post pics tonight!
  9. Great info, thanks!
  10. Arcadia's new Facebook cover photo:
  11. Looks great!
  12. I owned the original LDs, since the international version LDs came out long after the first 3. I do remember the situation Renato mentioned about the BGM, and I always assumed the Japanese dub was included in the last LD but I had no idea it was never released Anyway, the dub is included in the DVDs
  13. If I remember correctly, the new dub appeared first in the Macross Plus International Edition LDs, then in this set: I prefer this dub to the Manga one because this one has the correct music, not recycled from previous episodes. And I believe some audio effects were different too in the Manga version.
  14. I like the shape of the UN Spacy kite in the back... will definitely leave mine sans decals
  15. I haven't been able to get the SSS-Rank Hunter - Silver - Clear all Hunter Guild quests trophy. I'm playing it for the 4th time (1st: fast just story in easy, 2nd: completed all quests - normal; 3rd: just story in Ultimate) but I have no idea what I'm missing. The second time I played, i had all pieces of slate and all the quests appeared as cleared in the Combat records but I didn't get the trophy. Taking my time now with the quests...
  16. I found the best way to complete those missions is to go back to the Gefion, then launch again. Some enemies would have respawned. Even if you can only find 3 at a given time, it's faster that way than to look all over the map.
  17. Great job Valkyrie addict!
  18. Great!!
  19. Yup, I offered the parts but in the end I never sold them. Good idea! Need to find a similar color, the parts shouldn't be too hard to paint
  20. Some images I found: Plus - a NUNS VF-17S:
  21. And we have our first glimpse at the box:
  22. More pics of the display in Akihabara: http://kitasite.net/b/2013/04/22/10034/
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