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Everything posted by GGemini

  1. Don't forget the cryptic "strawberry pie" that Sheryl mentions in the first episode
  2. Kelsain, Mr. March, here's the hi-res scan... resized it a bit so that it could be uploaded here.
  3. I ordered the Mac F OST 1 from Amazon as soon as it was listed... and I didn't get any first-press goodies So I decided to switch to CD Japan for the Blu-ray, although it's a bit more expensive and takes longer to arrive (to Singapore). I just received my order today and look what I got: So, I guess I'll keep ordering in Amazon whatever has no first-press bonus (like Macross Zero Blu-ray apparently) and everything I'm really interested in, in CD Japan.
  4. The TV ad... macross_tv_cm.mov
  5. Speaking of extras, this is the first press bonus for Blu-ray 2 : Macross F pin badge set
  6. According to Yamato's latest newsletter, it's confirmed that the VF-1S is sold out. The only one available now will be the single non-pack version, to be released on Aug 1st. Some stores in Singapore haven't received the VF-1S to fill the preorders, I wonder what they'll do...
  7. The Falcon's Hangar (in S'pore as well) will receive issue 1 but no binders so far. I wonder if we have to buy them online just in case they can't manage to get them
  8. These are the images from animedia. Sorry, no scanner @ home so crappy cel pics will have to do.
  9. No problem, don't forget to order the binder too. I was told by a local vendor that the binder won't come out until next week, but everywhere else is listed as being released today (Jul 24th).
  10. Amazon has it now: http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B001CGI...;pf_rd_i=489986
  11. GGemini

    VF-OS or VF-0A

    Apparently the VF-0S reissue is now out, has anybody gotten it?
  12. The official Macross Ace Frontier site is now open. And we have a release date: October 9th, 2008. Price: 5,040 Y http://b.bngi-channel.jp/psp_macross/ There's also a demo of the VF-1J's transformation: http://b.bngi-channel.jp/psp_macross/game.html
  13. PM sent! BTW, I tried Macross Plus PSX via remote play and it works... but it's VERY slow, maybe because of all the fancy shading in the YF-19 andYF-21.
  14. My PSP isn't modded but, when I was looking to buy the PSP here in Singapore, I was offered several times the "modded version". It's actually not a chip, it's a firmware flash that these guys do somehow (apparently it involves a memory stick and a special battery) and you can read PS1 images (and downloaded PSP images as well) in the PSP. They were offering me one with 35 pre-loaded PSP games in the Memory Stick As far as I know there's no mod for PSP that can read PS2 images And, regarding the remote play from the PS3 to the PSP, it only works with some PS1 games, not PS2 games. Macross-related, it works with all the PS1 games I have (DYRL, VF-X & VF-X2... haven't tried Macross Plus yet).
  15. The Bonus for Macross F Blu-ray and DVD, 1st pressing are: "NyanNyan 50th anniversary goods" whatever that is
  16. Ok, now the details: I have a Japanese PS3, which plays Japanese PS and PS2 games (Ai Oboeteimasuka, VF-X, VF-X2, Macross for PS2) My PSP is the US version. Using the wireless feature of the PS3 you can play PS games on the PSP. Pointless as MilSpex noticed. But you can also connect through the internet and play the games remotely. The best option is actually to get a modded PSP, then you won't need a PS3 (or even the original PS discs).
  17. Sorry for clarifying until now... You can play VF-X2 on a modded PSP. But what I did was the remote play which is basically playing PS games on the PS3 through wi-fi in the PSP (that sounded complicated but it's not).
  18. Apparently it doesn't, includes just an audio commentary Details (translated by google): Color 173 minutes / (158 minutes + Bonus Features 15) Dolby TrueHD (5.1ch) Linear PCM (stereo) AVC BD50G × 2 16:9 <1080 p High Definition>
  19. Artwork for the Macross Zero Blu-ray Box
  20. I think that is almost a fact, with this being the last episode of the first half of the series I hope the VF-171 gets featured in the new OP
  21. Here goes the version from the "contens" (sic) page...
  22. I would've liked a PS3 title as well... and that plus Frontier and Zero being released in Blu-ray would be a good reason to buy it for many. Anyway I already got the PSP in anticipation for this game hehe, and as an added bonus I found out I can play all Macross games (for the PS) from the PS3 using remote play! VF-X2 in the PSP without hacking firmware or anything!
  23. NICE!! thx for the pic! I wonder how the armor is going to be attached... esp. the parts that fit in the wings
  24. There's a new CD up for pre-order @ Amazon Japan and apparently it's a new OP & ED! Track listing: 1.ライオン/May'n、中島愛 2.ノーザンクロス/シェリル・ノーム starring May'n 3.ライオン(Without Vocal) 4.ノーザンクロス(Without Vocal) http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4...4776&sr=1-3
  25. Pics of the VF-1A are already out in Yamato's website: http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/zoomer.ph.../h&gid=1201
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