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Everything posted by GGemini

  1. Can anyone confirm if the reissue has an updated neck joint?
  2. Vol. 21 includes a sticker with the number 08 to use in the Cospa T-shirt page that was released with volume 14 (it has 01 originally). I guess they decided it was not worth printing again...
  3. I collected mine yesterday and I must say that I'm very very happy with it I think the first ones didn't include this photocopy addendum:
  4. Nice! that's how Bandai should have made them
  5. Thx! Looking forward to the review Thanks for the pics! Definitely something to consider. FlexiDisplay: http://www.laftoys.com/
  6. Can you post pics of the styrene mod please? Also... is someone able to confirm the differences / improvements (or lack of) in the reissue VF-25F? Thanks in advance
  7. Maybe the guys @ Yamato were after the Mac 7 license since the development of the VF-11B, hence the detachable cockpit / escape pod... so a VF-11C is a possibility
  8. Apparently there's some news here (same report where the Virgin Road figures appeared): http://www.yamato-toys.com/blog/index.php In this part: 続きましてお詫びが御座います。 最近発売した一部媒体に載っている弊社の商品「1/60 完全変形 YF-19 リペイント」(白ベースで赤&黒ラインが入っている画像の物)についてですが、初期段階の彩色テスト画像が表示されており、実際に発売する予定のカラーリングとは異なります。 実際は、白を基調としたオレンジ&黒のラインの機体と、白を基調としてブルー(紺)&黒のラインの機体の2種を進めております。コメント文も「関節周りも若干改良されている」と表記していますが、実際は今までのYF-19に使用していた検査基準を見直し、今までと同じ生産過程内で 『今まで以上に基準を攻める』 という事になります。 簡単に言うと、『変形等に発生していた「緩い」や「合わない」といったストレスを軽減している』と言う意味ですので、改良している訳では御座いません。 after Google translate: Apology to the御座IMASU続KIMASHI. All of our products listed in the media that some recently released "1 / 60 complete deformation RIPEINTO YF-19" (in red & white images of the lines in black) is about the color of the initial test image is displayed, and will be available in the color is different really. In fact, orange and white and black lines and planes, as a white, blue (dark blue) and the aircraft's two black lines on the species. Comments and statements "that are articulated around a bit improved," the characters are, in fact, so far reviewed the YF-19 was used to test standards in the production process as far The push for standards than ever It is called. Simply said, had caused the deformation and "loose" or "not" it's less stressful and I mean it, because of the improved HA御座IMASEN.
  9. He did: The question now is... how?
  10. Apparetly it says so here: ※本商品には1/60完全変形YF-21に付属した専用スタンドは同梱されません。 http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1351
  11. It's OK if they're just phone camera pics
  12. I'll take a pic when I get back home. For reference, the sheet was included in Macross Chronicle no. 13.
  13. Funny thing is that the image of the Battroid mode of the VF-22S from the Macross Chronicles doesn't have a canopy cover. Maybe Yamato contacted the publisher of the Chronicles in advance to avoid any inconsistencies
  14. Buy a Yamato VF, help the Japanese economy!
  15. Same here, but I hope it doesn't go past 5 binders. I bought the last 2 that HMV japan had in stock. And I have found only one place in Singapore that sells them... @ 46 SGDs, around $30 USD a piece
  16. Of all the 3 "brown" shades I prefer the one of the upcoming VF-1A:
  17. yamato's official description: ついにこの日がやって参りました!やまとマクロスシリーズがここに来て新展開!! タイトル『マクロス ダイナマイト7(OVA)』より、VF-22S シュトゥルムフォーゲルIIの発売が決まりました!! YF-21の流れを組む機体で、特殊作戦機として少数が採用。その1機をガムリン木崎が搭乗し、劇中後半に活躍する機体になります。マクロス7のダイヤモンドフォースのカラー「黒」をベースに、シックに仕上がった機体です。 Google translate: I finally got me to this day! New MAKUROSUSHIRIZU The Art of War Now! ! Title, Macross Dynamite 7 (OVA), from, VF-22S SHUTOURUMUFOGERU II decided to launch! ! YF-21 aircraft in the flow of form, as adopted by the minority and special operations aircraft. The phosphorus木崎on board an aircraft gum will play in the second half of his body. Macross 7 DAIYAMONDOFOSU the color "black" based on the aircraft is finished in chic.
  18. GGemini

    SCOOP thread!

    1/60 VF-1A CF, TV version: http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1335
  19. OK, finished watching... Don't get your hopes too high, the main time difference is because the credits no longer run during the epilogue Anyway I hope to do a detailed comparison soon to see what else is new besides the Eden scene.
  20. Just started to watch the Blu-ray and the last episode is called : Anata no Oto ~ Full Length Version. I can't pinpoint all the differences yet but the most obvious one is: when the Vajra start folding everywhere, we get a glimpse of the Macross 11, PLANET EDEN, then Macross City. Broadcast episode: 23'54'' Blu-ray version: 26'26''
  21. Vol. 2 release date: June 26th
  22. No, box 2 of 2. The first one holds 5 discs. On another note: June 26th, 209: Macross Ace vol.2
  23. Nope, just for vols. 6 to 9
  24. If somebody was wondering if the crotch lock could be ordered from HLJ and replaced, here's the reply: Thank you for your business with HobbyLink Japan. Bandai has contacted us about your parts order. Unfortunately, waist lock parts from your parts order is not available. They have no schedule to re-produce it in the near future. We are sorry we cannot help you get it.
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