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Everything posted by GGemini

  1. scan by cybergundam:
  2. New pic from cybergundam:
  3. Looks like the 19 comes with another head with the mouth covered too! NICE
  4. This one?: http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.ph...mp;mmlnk=090825 edit: nevermind, just noticed it's an exclusive...
  5. In the previous pic, I understand that the extra UMD will include: - CG Valkyrie gallery - Textless openings (we have these from the 20th anniv DVD, except for Frontier) - a preview or something from the Macross F movie - Ads and promotions - Game promotion videos - Interview with Kawamori - Interview with Fire Bomber a nice treat for Region 2 PSP owners... too bad mine's Region 3 And this is what the stand showing the video looks like:
  6. Here are a couple of pics:
  7. Just came back from Japan and I was able to watch the trailer for Ultimate Frontier @ a store in Akihabara... WOW. It appears that Battle 7 will be available to use too. I hope the trailer is made available online anytime soon. I took also a pic of list of the contents of the extra UMD disc... I'll post it here once I get to download all the pics from the camera. BTW, the release date IS October 1st
  8. So, we have a release date: October 1st. And it's confirmed in Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%83%90%E3%83%B3...u-wl_item-added
  9. VF-17 in the next Chronicle! ■メカニックシート ・VF-17 ナイトメア ・VF-11B サンダーボルト ・民間車両 ・VT-1C オストリッチ ■キャラクターシート ・ガムリン・木崎 ・地球統合軍の人々 ・早乙女一門 ■タイムラインシート ・Fire Bomberデビュー ■ヒストリーシート ・フロンティア船団内バジュラ発生事件 ■テクノロジーシート ・オーバーテクノロジー ■用語辞典 ・S.M.S~エミリア・ジーナス ■グッズシート ・バンダイ マクロスファイターコレクション
  10. Nope, connect to the internet via the Wi-Fi and there's an option called "update". Other option is to download the firmware here: http://asia.playstation.com/hk/en/support/osUpdate/psp edit: here's a better explanation on how to do it : http://asia.playstation.com/hk/en/support/p/updateMethod_PSP
  11. New CD: Macross Gannen Kinen Chojiku Anthem: Iki wo Shiteiru Kanjiteiru (Title subject to change) (CDA) Price: Yen- 1000, US$(10.45) Release Date: 14-Oct-2009 Single release from line of singers from anime series ""Macross"", Mari Iijima, FIRE BOMBER, May'n, and Megumi Nakajima commemorating Macross's first year of a new era! Produced by Mari Ijima (Lynn Minmay). http://cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=V..._campaign=ANIME http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E6%81%AF%E3%82%92...0754&sr=8-1
  12. Great! and the pilot's color is green, not another Kakizaki clone
  13. It's not really a part of the VF100's line since it's made by Wave, not by Bandai... but it actually appears to be a toy / "completed model" more than a model kit...
  14. Looks like you can remove the GBP from the 1J during the game!!! COOL!
  15. Not a compilation, but I think there's an illustration book from the Evangelion Chronicles: http://www.jpqueen.com/onlineshop/productinfo.asp?PID=91528 edit: changed link for a better one
  16. At least this one looks nice:
  17. A close-up: Looks like the arms are way too heavy....
  18. Apparently it is... it's not entirely white, it's a bit grayish, and the red is a bit faded. It actually fits the description in HLJ's website. I didn't know the Super Pack would look like that though
  19. A new pic of the Armored VF-25S: AND... the "renewal version" VF-25F I must say I don't like the light blue color of the Super Pack
  20. Nevermind... I found a pic of the VF-25F with the new colors
  21. Could those be the movie version VF-25s? Remember HLJ's description of the DX re-issue: "Color differences include a slight blue-gray tone on the Valkyrie's white body, fading red tone, dark metallic tone joints..."
  22. It's also for sale @ yamato's website: http://www.yamato-toys.com/ec/items/detail...p;infolnk=index It has a release date of July 15th (yesterday) and... the website lists the index of the book: 004 VF Photo Files/VF フォトファイル 018 VF-1 5-Side View/VF-1 五面図 1/72 024 Structure and system of the VF-1/VF-1バルキリーの構造とシステム 040 Cutaway Drawing of the VF-1/VF-1バルキリー機体構造図 042 Cockpit System/VF-1のコクピットシステム 045 Weapons & Stores for the VF-1/VF-1搭載兵装 052 Haward GU-11 Gunpod/ハワード GU-11ガンポッド 054 Block Numbers and Details/VF-1の生産ブロック解説 058 VF-1 Variations/VF-1バリエーションズ 061 The Variable Fighter/可変戦闘機としてのVF-1 066 Transformation Sequence/VF-1変形シークエンス 068 Caution sign and Modex/VF-1コーションデータ 074 Pilot Suites/統合軍可変戦闘機パイロットスーツ 075 The Over Technology of Macross At The VF-1 Series/VFにおけるOTM 079 Thermonuclear Turbine Engine/VF-1の熱核タービンエンジン 081 Development of The VF-1 Series/VF-1バルキリー開発史 089 VF-0 Phoenix/VF-0フェニックス 090 The Story of Streak Valkyrie's Challenge/ストリークバルキリーの挑戦 094 VF-1 Squadrons 2009-2014/VF-1部隊配置 096 VF-1 Operations/VF-1部隊運用 100 CVS-101 Prometheus/CVS-101プロメテウス 108 Extra Files of VF "VF-1JA"/VFエクストラファイル「VF-1JA」 119 Squadron Marking of "Valkyrie" /VF-1 部隊カラー&マーキング
  23. From the Tokyo Toy Show link that CF18 posted in the VF100's thread (http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2009/07/tp0165.html):
  24. According to OverDrive's latest newsletter, they will be released on the 28th.
  25. Damn, I was going to stop buying the VF100's but this one looks VERY good!
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